# This is a Tatsu file. # Syntax is explained at # https://tatsu.readthedocs.io/en/stable/syntax.html @@grammar :: Hlds # Don't ignore any whitespace @@whitespace :: // @@eol_comments :: /[ \t]*#.*?$/ @@keyword :: single_choice multi_choice dish preset only requires except start = [n] { @+:location } $ ; location_header = /={3,}/ n ~ id:identifier ':' s name:string attributes:{ location_attribute } [ n ] /={3,}\n+/ ; location_attribute = n '\t' key:identifier s value:string ; location = >location_header items:{ block } ; attributes = name:/[^\n#]*?(?= +-- | | €| *\n| *#)/ [ s '--' ~ s description:/[^\n#]*?(?= | *\n| *#)/ ] [ / +/ ~ [ {[ s ] ('{' tags+:identifier '}')} / +|$/ ] [ price:price ] ] ; block = | dish_block | choice_block ; dish_block = 'dish' s ~ id:identifier ':' s >attributes n choices:{ indent_choice_block } ; choice_entry = id:identifier ':' s >attributes ; noindent_choice_entry = n '\t' >choice_entry ; indent_choice_entry = n '\t\t' >choice_entry ; # Toplevel choice definitions choice_block = id:identifier ':' s >attributes entries:{ noindent_choice_entry } n ; # Appears in a dish block. One of: # 1) reference to toplevel choice definition # 2) inline choice declaration (as opposed to globally declared and referenced) indent_choice_block = '\t' type:choice_type s ( | kind:`declaration` id:identifier ':' ~ s >attributes entries:{ indent_choice_entry } | kind:`reference` id:identifier [ s price:price ] ) n ; s = / +/ ; n = '\n' {{'\t'} '\n'} ; @name identifier = /[a-z0-9_-]+/ ; string = /[^\n#]+/ ; choice_type = 'single_choice' | 'multi_choice' ; int = /[0-9]+/ ; currency = '€' ; price = currency:currency s value_unit:int [ '.' value_cents:/[0-9]{,2}/ ] ;