var map ='mapid').setView([ 51.0231119, 3.7102741 ], 14); L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }).addTo(map); function performRequest(url, location, success_callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); request.onload = function() { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { // Success! var data = JSON.parse(this.response); success_callback(location, data); } else { // We reached our target server, but it returned an error } }; request.onerror = function() { console.log("Error requestion location coordinates"); // There was a connection error of some sort }; request.send(); } let marker_icon = L.icon({ iconUrl: "/static/images/marker-icon.png", shadowUrl: "/static/images/marker-shadow.png" }); let callback = function OSMCallBack(location, data) { var lat, lon; if (data.features.length >= 1) { var place = data.features[0].properties; lat = data.features[0].geometry.coordinates[1]; lon = data.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0]; let marker = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: marker_icon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup( + ', ' + location.address); marker.on('mouseover', function(env) { marker.openPopup(); }); marker.on('mouseout', function(env) { marker.closePopup(); }); } else { console.log(`Location ${JSON.stringify(location, null, 2)} returned no features, are you sure this is a valid address?`); } }; function loadmap(locations) { for (let loc of locations) { let request_uri = "" + loc.address; performRequest(request_uri, loc, callback); }; }