import typing from flask import Blueprint, url_for, request, redirect, flash, Response from flask_login import login_user from microsoftgraph.client import Client from config import Configuration from models import User, db auth_microsoft_bp = Blueprint("auth_microsoft_bp", __name__) client = Client(Configuration.MICROSOFT_AUTH_ID, Configuration.MICROSOFT_AUTH_SECRET, account_type='common') # by default common, thus account_type is optional parameter. def microsoft_login(): """Log in using Microsoft""" scope = ["openid", "profile", "User.Read", "User.Read.All"] url = client.authorization_url(url_for("auth_microsoft_bp.authorized", _external=True), scope, state=None) return redirect(url) @auth_microsoft_bp.route("/login") def login(): """Function to handle a user trying to log in""" return microsoft_login() @auth_microsoft_bp.route("callback") # "/authorized") def authorized() -> typing.Any: # type is 'typing.Union[str, Response]', but this errors due to # """Check authorized status""" oauth_code = request.args['code'] resp = client.exchange_code(url_for("auth_microsoft_bp.authorized", _external=True), oauth_code) client.set_token( resp = client.users.get_me() username =['userPrincipalName'] microsoft_uuid =['id'] user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if username and user: return login_and_redirect_user(user) elif username: user = create_user(username, microsoft_uuid) return login_and_redirect_user(user) flash("You're not allowed to enter, please contact a system administrator") return redirect(url_for("general_bp.home")) def login_and_redirect_user(user) -> Response: """Log in the user and then redirect them""" login_user(user) return redirect(url_for("general_bp.home")) def create_user(username, microsoft_uuid) -> User: """Create a temporary user if it is needed""" user = User() user.configure(username, False, 1, microsoft_uuid=microsoft_uuid) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return user