from models import User, Location, Order, OrderItem, Product from sqlalchemy.sql import func, desc class FatModel: @classmethod def all(cls): return cls.query.all() @classmethod def amount(cls): return cls.query.count() class FatLocation(Location, FatModel): pass class FatOrder(Order, FatModel): # It's hard to add the unique user constraint, # as DISTINCT seems to apply after a GROUP BY and aggregate # So DISTINCT ... count(user_id) ... will count all users, # even if they get reduced by the disctinct afterwards. @classmethod def items_per_order(cls): return Order.query.\ join(OrderItem).\ group_by(\ with_entities(, func.count(OrderItem.user_id).label('total')) class FatUser(User, FatModel): pass class FatOrderItem(OrderItem, FatModel): pass class FatProduct(Product, FatModel): @classmethod def top4(cls): top4 = OrderItem.query\ .join(Product)\ .join(Location)\ .group_by(\ .with_entities(,, func.count('count') )\ .order_by(desc('count'))\ .limit(4) for top in top4: print(top)