#!/usr/bin/env python3 from glob import glob from os import path, walk from tatsu import parse as tatsu_parse import itertools from .models import Location, Choice, Option, Dish import operator # TODO Use proper way to get resources, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10935674 with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "hlds.tatsu")) as fh: GRAMMAR = fh.read() def filter_instance(cls, iterable): return [item for item in iterable if isinstance(item, cls)] class HldsSemanticActions: def location(self, ast): choices = {choice.id: choice for choice in filter_instance(Choice, ast["items_"])} dishes = filter_instance(Dish, ast["items_"]) for dish in dishes: for i, choice in enumerate(dish.choices): if not isinstance(choice, Choice): assert "id" in choice dish.choices[i] = choices[choice["id"]] return Location( ast["id"], name=ast["name"], attributes={att["key"]: att["value"] for att in ast["attributes"]}, dishes=dishes, ) def base_block(self, ast): return Dish( ast["id"], name=ast["name"], description=ast["description"], price=ast["price"], tags=ast["tags"] if ast["tags"] else [], choices=ast["choices"], ) def choice_block(self, ast): return Choice( ast["id"], name=ast["name"], description=ast["description"], options=ast["entries"], ) def indent_choice_block(self, ast): if ast["kind"] == "declaration": return self.choice_block(ast) else: return ast def indent_choice_entry(self, ast): return Option( ast["id"], name=ast["name"], description=ast["description"], price=ast["price"], tags=ast["tags"], ) noindent_choice_entry = indent_choice_entry def price(self, ast): return "{0[currency]} {0[value]}".format(ast) def _default(self, ast): return ast SEMANTICS = HldsSemanticActions() def parse(menu): parsed = tatsu_parse(GRAMMAR, menu, semantics=SEMANTICS) return parsed def parse_file(filename): with open(filename, "r") as fh: return parse(fh.read()) def parse_files(files): menus = map(parse_file, files) return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(menus)) def parse_all_directory(directory): # TODO Use proper way to get resources, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10935674 files = glob(path.join(directory, "**.hlds"), recursive=True) return parse_files(files)