#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Mapping, Any, Optional from utils import euro_string, first def _format_tags(tags: Iterable[str]) -> str: return ( " :: {}".format(" ".join(["{" + tag + "}" for tag in tags])) if tags else "" ) def _format_price(price: int) -> str: return " {}".format(euro_string(price)) if price else "" def _format_type_and_choice(type_and_choice): type_, choice = type_and_choice return "{} {}".format(type_, choice) class Option: def __init__(self, id_, *, name, description, price, tags): self.id: str = id_ self.name: str = name self.description: str = description self.price: int = price self.tags: List[str] = tags def __str__(self): return "{0.id}: {0.name}{1}{2}{3}".format( self, " -- {}".format(self.description) if self.description else "", _format_tags(self.tags), _format_price(self.price) ) class Choice: def __init__(self, id_, *, name, description, options): self.id: str = id_ self.name: str = name self.description: str = description self.options: List[Option] = options def __str__(self): return "{0.id}: {0.name}{1}\n\t\t{2}".format( self, " -- {}".format(self.description) if self.description else "", "\n\t\t".join(map(str, self.options)) ) def option_by_id(self, option_id: str) -> Optional[Option]: return first(filter(lambda o: o.id == option_id, self.options)) class Dish: def __init__(self, id_, *, name, description, price, tags, choices): self.id: str = id_ self.name: str = name self.description: str = description self.price: int = price self.tags: List[str] = tags # The str in (str, Choice) is the type of choice: single_choice or multi_choice self.choices: List[(str, Choice)] = choices def __str__(self): return "dish {0.id}: {0.name}{1}{2}{3}\n\t{4}".format( self, " -- {}".format(self.description) if self.description else "", _format_tags(self.tags), _format_price(self.price), "\n\t".join(map(_format_type_and_choice, self.choices)) ) def price_range(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return (self.price + self._sum_f_option_prices(min), self.price + self._sum_f_option_prices(max)) def _sum_f_option_prices(self, f): return sum( f(option.price for option in choice.options) for (choice_type, choice) in self.choices if choice_type == "single_choice" ) class Location: def __init__(self, id_, *, name, dishes, osm=None, address=None, telephone=None, website=None): self.id: str = id_ self.name: str = name self.osm: Optional[str] = osm self.address: Optional[str] = address self.telephone: Optional[str] = telephone self.website: Optional[str] = website self.dishes: List[Dish] = dishes def dish_by_id(self, dish_id: str) -> Optional[Dish]: return first(filter(lambda d: d.id == dish_id, self.dishes)) def __str__(self): return ( "============================\n" "{0.id}: {0.name}" "{1}\n" "============================\n" "\n" "{2}" ).format( self, "".join("\n\t{} {}".format(k, v) for k, v in ( ("osm", self.osm), ("address", self.address), ("telephone", self.telephone), ("website", self.website), ) if v is not None), "\n".join(map(str, self.dishes)) )