from app import db from database import add_oceans_garden, add_admins, add_simpizza locations = {"Admins": add_admins.add(), "Ocean's Garden": add_oceans_garden.add(), "SimPizza": add_simpizza.add()} yes = ["yes", "y", "Y"] no = ["no", "n", "N"] # Commit all the things def commit(): db.session.commit() print("Committing successful") def check_if_overwrite(): answer = input("Do you want to overwrite the previous database? (y/N) ") return answer in yes def add_all(): for loc in locations.keys(): print("Adding {}.".format(loc)) locations[loc]() def recreate_from_scratch(): confirmation = "Are you very very sure? (Will delete previous entry's!) (y/N) " check = "I acknowledge any repercussions!" if input(confirmation) in yes and input('Type: "{}" ').format(check) == check: print("Overwriting the database!") add_all() def add_to_current(): available = [loc for loc in locations.keys()] def add_numbers(): return " ".join(["{}({}), ".format(loc, i) for i, loc in enumerate(available)]).rstrip(", ") while input("Do you still want to add something? (Y/n) ") not in no: print("What do you want to add? (Use numbers, or A for all, or C for chancel) ") answer = input("Available: {} : ".format(add_numbers())) if answer == "A": add_all() elif answer == "C": pass elif answer in [str(x) for x in range(len(available))]: answer = int(answer) print("Adding {}.".format(available[answer])) locations[available[answer]]() del available[answer] else: print("Not a valid answer.") print("Thank you for adding, come again!") def init(): print('Database modification script!') print('=============================\n\n') if check_if_overwrite(): recreate_from_scratch() else: add_to_current() init()