"Script to generate the general views of Haldis" import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta import yaml from flask import Flask, render_template, make_response from flask import request, jsonify from flask import Blueprint, abort from flask import current_app as app from flask import send_from_directory, url_for from flask_login import login_required from models import Location, Order # import views from views.order import get_orders general_bp = Blueprint("general_bp", __name__) @general_bp.route("/") def home() -> str: "Generate the home view" prev_day = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1) recently_closed = get_orders( ((Order.stoptime > prev_day) & (Order.stoptime < datetime.now())) ) return render_template( "home.html", orders=get_orders(), recently_closed=recently_closed ) def get_css_dict(css_path): themes_dict = dict() # Open the YAML file with all the themes. path = os.path.join(app.root_path, "views/themes.yml") with open(path, 'r') as stream: data = yaml.safe_load(stream) # Build a dictionary from the YAML file with all the themes and their attributes. themes = {} for item in data: key = list(item.keys())[0] themes[key] = item[key] # Get the current date. current_date = datetime.now() current_year = current_date.year # Check each theme in the dictionary and return the first one that is "correct" for key, theme in themes.items(): print(key) print(theme) if theme['type'] == 'static-date': start_day, start_month = theme['start'].split('/') start_date = datetime(year=current_year, day=int( start_day), month=int(start_month)) end_day, end_month = theme['end'].split('/') if int(start_month) > int(end_month): current_year += 1 end_date = datetime( year=current_year, day=int(end_day), month=int(end_month)) if start_date <= current_date <= end_date: path = os.path.join(app.root_path, css_path, theme['file']) themes_dict[key] = path themes_dict['darkmode'] = os.path.join( app.root_path, "static/css/themes/lowPerformance/darkmode.css") themes_dict['lightmode'] = os.path.join( app.root_path, "static/css/themes/lowPerformance/lightmode.css") return themes_dict # @general_bp.route("/css-list") def css_list(): if request.cookies.get('performance', '') == 'highPerformance': css_path = 'static/css/themes/highPerformance/' else: css_path = 'static/css/themes/lowPerformance/' return list(get_css_dict(css_path).keys()) @general_bp.route("/css") def css(): "Generate the css" if request.cookies.get('performance', '') == 'highPerformance': css_path = 'static/css/themes/highPerformance/' else: css_path = 'static/css/themes/lowPerformance/' cookie_theme = request.cookies.get('theme', '') themes_dict = get_css_dict(css_path) # TODO: Fix to work with default cookie value [customTheme] if cookie_theme == "customTheme": path = css_path+"ligtmode.css" else: path = themes_dict[cookie_theme] f = open(path) response = make_response(f.read()) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/css' f.close() return response @general_bp.route("/map") def map_view() -> str: "Generate the map view" locs = Location.query.order_by("name") return render_template("maps.html", locations=locs) @general_bp.route("/location") def locations() -> str: "Generate the location view" locs = Location.query.order_by("name") return render_template("locations.html", locations=locs) @general_bp.route("/location/") def location(location_id) -> str: "Generate the location view given an id" loc = Location.query.filter(Location.id == location_id).first() if loc is None: abort(404) return render_template("location.html", location=loc, title=loc.name) @general_bp.route("/about/") def about() -> str: "Generate the about view" return render_template("about.html") @general_bp.route("/profile/") @login_required def profile() -> str: "Generate the profile view" return render_template("profile.html", themes_list=css_list()) @general_bp.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon() -> str: "Generate the favicon" # pylint: disable=R1705 if not get_orders((Order.stoptime > datetime.now())): return send_from_directory( os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"), "favicon.ico", mimetype="image/x-icon", ) else: return send_from_directory( os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"), "favicon_orange.ico", mimetype="image/x-icon", )