"Script for everything form related in Haldis" from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional from flask import session from flask_login import current_user from flask_wtf import FlaskForm as Form from wtforms import (DateTimeField, SelectField, SelectMultipleField, StringField, SubmitField, FieldList, validators) from utils import euro_string from hlds.definitions import location_definitions from hlds.models import Location, Dish, Choice from models import User class OrderForm(Form): "Class which defines the form for a new Order" # pylint: disable=R0903 courier_id = SelectField("Courier", coerce=int) location_id = SelectField( "Location", coerce=str, validators=[validators.required()] ) starttime = DateTimeField( "Starttime", default=datetime.now, format="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M" ) stoptime = DateTimeField("Stoptime", format="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") submit_button = SubmitField("Submit") def populate(self) -> None: "Fill in the options for courier for an Order" if current_user.is_admin(): self.courier_id.choices = [(0, None)] + [ (u.id, u.username) for u in User.query.order_by("username") ] else: self.courier_id.choices = [ (0, None), (current_user.id, current_user.username), ] self.location_id.choices = [ (l.id, l.name) for l in location_definitions ] if self.stoptime.data is None: self.stoptime.data = datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=1) class OrderItemForm(Form): "New Item in an Order" # pylint: disable=R0903 dish_id = SelectField("Dish") single_choices = FieldList(SelectField()) multi_choices = FieldList(SelectMultipleField()) comment = StringField("Comment") submit_button = SubmitField("Submit") def populate(self, location: Location, dish_id: Optional[str]) -> None: self.dish_id.choices = [ (i.id, (i.name + ": " + euro_string(i.price))) for i in location.dishes ] dish = location.dish_by_id(dish_id) if dish_id else None if dish: self.add_choices_for(dish) def add_choices_for(self, dish: Dish): for (choice_type, choice) in dish.choices: if choice_type == "single_choice": field = self.single_choices.append_entry(choice.name) elif choice_type == "multi_choice": field = self.multi_choices.append_entry(choice.name) else: assert False, "Unsupported choice type" field.label.text = choice.name field.choices = self.options_for(choice) @staticmethod def options_for(choice: Choice): return [ (c.id, (c.name + (" (" + c.description + ")" if c.description else "") + (": +" + euro_string(c.price) if c.price else ""))) for c in choice.options ] class AnonOrderItemForm(OrderItemForm): """ Class which defines the form for a new Item in an Order For Users who aren't logged in """ name = StringField("Name", validators=[validators.required()]) def populate(self, location: Location) -> None: """ Fill in all the dish options from the location and the name of the anon user """ OrderItemForm.populate(self, location) if self.name.data is None: self.name.data = session.get("anon_name", None) def validate(self) -> bool: "Check if the provided anon_name is not already taken" rv = OrderForm.validate(self) if not rv: return False # check if we have a user with this name user = User.query.filter_by(username=self.name.data).first() if user is not None: self.name.errors.append("Name already in use") return False return True