"""Script to generate the order related views of Haldis""" import random import re import typing from datetime import datetime # from flask import current_app as app from flask import (Blueprint, abort, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for, wrappers) from flask_login import current_user, login_required from forms import AnonOrderItemForm, OrderForm, OrderItemForm from hlds.definitions import location_definition_version, location_definitions from models import Order, OrderItem, User, db from notification import post_order_to_webhook from utils import ignore_none, parse_euro_string from werkzeug.wrappers import Response order_bp = Blueprint("order_bp", "order") @order_bp.route("/") def orders(form: OrderForm = None) -> str: """Generate general order view""" if form is None and not current_user.is_anonymous(): form = OrderForm() location_id = request.args.get("location_id") form.location_id.default = location_id form.process() form.populate() return render_template("orders.html", orders=get_orders(), form=form) @order_bp.route("/create", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def order_create() -> typing.Union[str, Response]: """Generate order create view""" orderForm = OrderForm() orderForm.populate() if orderForm.validate_on_submit(): order = Order() orderForm.populate_obj(order) order.update_from_hlds() db.session.add(order) db.session.commit() post_order_to_webhook(order) return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order.slug or order.id)) return orders(form=orderForm) @order_bp.route("/") def order_from_slug(order_slug: str, form: OrderForm = None, dish_id=None) -> str: """Generate order view from id""" order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) if current_user.is_anonymous() and not order.public: flash("Please login to see this order.", "info") abort(401) if form is None: form = AnonOrderItemForm() if current_user.is_anonymous() else OrderItemForm() if order.location: form.populate(order.location) if order.is_closed(): form = None total_price = sum(o.price or 0 for o in order.items) debts = sum(o.price or 0 for o in order.items if not o.paid) dish = order.location.dish_by_id(dish_id) if order.location else None return render_template( "order.html", order=order, form=form, total_price=total_price, debts=debts, selected_dish=dish, ) @order_bp.route("//items") def items_shop_view(order_slug: int) -> str: """Generate order items view from id""" order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) if current_user.is_anonymous() and not order.public: flash("Please login to see this order.", "info") abort(401) total_price = sum(o.price or 0 for o in order.items) return render_template("order_items.html", order=order, total_price=total_price) @order_bp.route("//edit", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def order_edit(order_slug: str) -> typing.Union[str, Response]: """Generate order edit view from id""" order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if current_user.id is not order.courier_id and not current_user.is_admin(): abort(401) if order is None: abort(404) order_form = OrderForm(obj=order) order_form.populate() if order_form.validate_on_submit(): order_form.populate_obj(order) order.update_from_hlds() db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order.slug or order.id)) return render_template("order_edit.html", form=order_form, order_slug=order.slug or order.id) @order_bp.route("//create", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def order_item_create(order_slug: str) -> typing.Any: # type is 'typing.Union[str, Response]', but this errors due to # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7187 """Add item to order from slug""" current_order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if current_order is None: abort(404) if current_order.is_closed(): abort(404) if current_user.is_anonymous() and not current_order.public: flash("Please login to see this order.", "info") abort(401) location = current_order.location # If location doesn't exist anymore, adding items is nonsensical if not location: abort(404) form = AnonOrderItemForm() if current_user.is_anonymous() else OrderItemForm() dish_id = ( request.form["dish_id"] if form.is_submitted() else request.args.get("dish") ) if dish_id and not location.dish_by_id(dish_id): abort(404) if not form.is_submitted(): form.dish_id.data = dish_id form.populate(current_order.location) if form.is_submitted(): form_for_dish = request.form["dish_id"] dish_was_changed = form_for_dish != "" and form_for_dish != dish_id # The form's validation tests that dish_id is valid and gives a friendly error if it's not choices = location.dish_by_id(form.dish_id.data).choices chosen = [ ( choice.option_by_id(request.form.get("choice_" + choice.id)) if choice_type == "single_choice" else list( ignore_none( request.form.getlist( "choice_" + choice.id, type=choice.option_by_id ) ) ) ) for (choice_type, choice) in choices ] all_choices_present = all(x is not None for x in chosen) if dish_was_changed or not all_choices_present: try: user_name = ( form.user_name.data if form.user_name.validate(form) else None ) except AttributeError: user_name = None comment = form.comment.data if form.comment.validate(form) else None return redirect( url_for( "order_bp.order_item_create", order_slug=current_order.slug or current_order.id, dish=form.dish_id.data, user_name=user_name, comment=comment, ) ) # If the form was not submitted (GET request) or the form had errors: show form again if not form.validate_on_submit(): return order_from_slug(current_order.slug, form=form, dish_id=dish_id) # Form was submitted and is valid item = OrderItem() form.populate_obj(item) item.hlds_data_version = location_definition_version item.order_id = current_order.id if not current_user.is_anonymous(): item.user_id = current_user.id else: session["anon_name"] = item.user_name # XXX Temporary until OrderItemChoice is used def _name(option): no_text_tag = "no_text" try: if not option or no_text_tag in option.tags: return None return option.name except AttributeError: return ", ".join(o.name for o in option if no_text_tag not in o.tags) comments = list(ignore_none(_name(option) for option in chosen)) if item.comment: comments.append("Comment: " + item.comment) item.comment = "; ".join(comments) item.update_from_hlds() # XXX Temporary until OrderItemChoice is used. Move this price calculation to update_from_hlds # when in OrderItemChoice is in place. def _price(option): try: return option.price or 0 except AttributeError: return sum(o.price or 0 for o in option) item.price += sum(_price(option) for option in chosen) db.session.add(item) db.session.commit() flash("Ordered %s" % item.dish_name, "success") return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order_slug)) @order_bp.route("//modify_items", methods=["POST"]) @login_required # pylint: disable=R1710 def modify_items(order_slug: str) -> typing.Optional[Response]: if "delete_item" in request.form: return delete_item(order_slug, int(request.form["delete_item"])) user_names = request.form.getlist("user_names") if request.form.get("action") == "mark_paid": return set_items_paid(order_slug, user_names, True) elif request.form.get("action") == "mark_unpaid": return set_items_paid(order_slug, user_names, False) else: abort(404) return None def set_items_paid(order_slug: str, user_names: typing.Iterable[str], paid: bool): order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) total_paid_items = 0 total_failed_items = 0 for user_name in user_names: user = User.query.filter(User.username == user_name).first() items: typing.List[OrderItem] = [] if user: items = OrderItem.query.filter( (OrderItem.user_id == user.id) & (OrderItem.order_id == order.id) ).all() else: items = OrderItem.query.filter( (OrderItem.user_name == user_name) & (OrderItem.order_id == order.id) ).all() for item in items: if item.can_modify_payment(order.id, current_user.id): if item.paid != paid: item.paid = paid total_paid_items += 1 else: total_failed_items += 1 db.session.commit() if total_failed_items == 0: flash("Marked %d items as paid" % (total_paid_items,), "success") else: flash("Failed to mark %d items as paid (succeeded in marking %d items as paid)" % (total_failed_items, total_paid_items), "error") return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order_slug)) @order_bp.route("///delete", methods=["POST"]) # pylint: disable=R1710 def delete_item(order_slug: str, item_id: int) -> typing.Any: # type is 'typing.Optional[Response]', but this errors due to # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7187 """Delete an item from an order""" item: OrderItem = OrderItem.query.filter(OrderItem.id == item_id).first() order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) user_id = None if not current_user.is_anonymous(): user_id = current_user.id if item.can_delete(order.id, user_id, session.get("anon_name", "")): dish_name = item.dish_name db.session.delete(item) db.session.commit() flash("Deleted %s" % dish_name, "success") return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order_slug)) abort(404) @order_bp.route("//volunteer", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def volunteer(order_slug: str) -> Response: """Add a volunteer to an order""" order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) if order.courier_id is None or order.courier_id == 0: order.courier_id = current_user.id db.session.commit() flash("Thank you for volunteering!") else: flash("Volunteering not possible!") return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order.slug or order.id)) @order_bp.route("//close", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def close_order(order_slug: str) -> typing.Optional[Response]: """Close an order""" order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) if ( current_user.id == order.courier_id or current_user.is_admin() ) and not order.is_closed(): order.stoptime = datetime.now() if order.courier_id == 0 or order.courier_id is None: courier = select_user(order.items) if courier is not None: order.courier_id = courier.id db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order_slug)) return None @order_bp.route("//prices", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def prices(order_slug: str) -> typing.Optional[Response]: order = Order.get_by_slug(order_slug) if order is None: abort(404) if not order.can_modify_prices(current_user.id): flash("You cannot modify the prices at this time.", "error") return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order.slug or order.id)) if request.method == "GET": return render_template( "order_prices.html", order=order, ) else: new_prices = {} for key, value in request.form.items(): m = re.fullmatch("item_([0-9]+)", key) if not m: continue item_id = int(m.group(1)) price = parse_euro_string(value) if not price: flash(f"Could not recognize '{value}' as a price") continue new_prices[item_id] = price for item in order.items: new_price = new_prices.get(item.id) if new_price is not None and new_price != item.price: item.price = new_price item.price_modified = datetime.now() db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for("order_bp.order_from_slug", order_slug=order.slug or order.id)) def select_user(items) -> typing.Optional[User]: """Select a random user from those who are signed up for the order""" user = None # remove non users items = [i for i in items if i.user_id] if not items: return None while user is None: item = random.choice(items) user = item.user if user: if random.randint(user.bias, 100) < 80: user = None return user def get_orders(expression=None) -> typing.List[Order]: """Give the list of all currently open and public Orders""" order_list: typing.List[OrderForm] = [] if expression is None: expression = (datetime.now() > Order.starttime) & ( Order.stoptime > datetime.now() # pylint: disable=C0121 ) | (Order.stoptime == None) if not current_user.is_anonymous(): order_list = Order.query.filter(expression).all() else: order_list = Order.query.filter( # pylint: disable=C0121 expression & (Order.public == True) ).all() return order_list