But for real, it's a real shitstorm in there. - Added context by making the init go through a function and not implicitly happen via imports - Fixup all context and contextless function mixups - splitup the models in sensible different files - give the dump of view functions in views/__init__.py their own file - add all routes via blueprints, not half of them - move the slack notifications function and class to its own file, no idea what it was doing in a views file in the first place.
47 lines
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47 lines
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import json
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Thread
import requests
from flask import current_app as app
from flask import url_for
def post_order_to_webhook(order_item):
message = ''
if order_item.courrier is not None:
message = '<!channel|@channel> {3} is going to {1}, order <{0}|here>! Deadline in {2} minutes!'.format(
url_for('order_bp.order', id=order_item.id, _external=True),
order_item.location.name, remaining_minutes(order_item.stoptime),
message = '<!channel|@channel> New order for {}. Deadline in {} minutes. <{}|Open here.>'.format(
order_item.location.name, remaining_minutes(order_item.stoptime),
url_for('order_bp.order', id=order_item.id, _external=True))
webhookthread = WebhookSenderThread(message)
class WebhookSenderThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, message):
super(WebhookSenderThread, self).__init__()
self.message = message
def run(self):
def slack_webhook(self):
js = json.dumps({'text': self.message})
url = app.config['SLACK_WEBHOOK']
if len(url) > 0:
requests.post(url, data=js)
def remaining_minutes(value):
delta = value - datetime.now()
if delta.total_seconds() < 0:
return "0"
minutes, _ = divmod(delta.total_seconds(), 60)
return "%02d" % minutes