{"date": "2024-06-13", "meals": [{"allergens": [], "kind": "soup", "name": "Mushroom soup small", "price": "\u20ac 1,15", "type": "side"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "soup", "name": "Mushroom soup big", "price": "\u20ac 1,75", "type": "side"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "soup", "name": "Tomato soup small", "price": "\u20ac 1,15", "type": "side"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "soup", "name": "Tomato soup big", "price": "\u20ac 1,75", "type": "side"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegan", "name": "Spaghetti with vegetable sauce", "price": "\u20ac 4,20", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "fish", "name": "Cod fishstick", "price": "\u20ac 5,30", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "meat", "name": "Roasted chicken tenderloins", "price": "\u20ac 5,55", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "meat", "name": "Red curry with chicken (only in resto Ardoyen and Coupure)", "price": "\u20ac 5,05", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "meat", "name": "Spaghetti bolognese (only in resto Brug and Sterre)", "price": "\u20ac 4,95", "type": "main"}], "open": true, "vegetables": ["vegan: Grilled vegetables", "vegan:\u00a0Julienne vegetables\u00a0(only in resto Ardoyen and Coupure)", "veggie:\u00a0Roast supreme vegetables\u00a0(only in resto Brug and Sterre)", "vegan: Crudit\u00e9s"], "vegetables2": [{"allergens": [], "kind": "vegan", "name": "Grilled vegetables"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegan", "name": "Julienne vegetables\u00a0(only in resto Ardoyen and Coupure)"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegetarian", "name": "Roast supreme vegetables\u00a0(only in resto Brug and Sterre)"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegan", "name": "Crudit\u00e9s"}]}