{"date": "2022-11-03", "meals": [{"kind": "soup", "name": "Soup of the day", "price": "\u20ac1,00", "type": "side"}, {"kind": "vegan", "name": "Lentil curry with sweet potatoes / rice", "price": "\u20ac 4,25", "type": "cold"}, {"kind": "vegetarian", "name": "Lentil dahl with Oriental vegetables", "price": "\u20ac 3,85", "type": "main"}, {"kind": "vegetarian", "name": "Penne quattro formaggi", "price": "\u20ac 4,15", "type": "main"}, {"kind": "fish", "name": "Shrimp croquettes", "price": "\u20ac 5,85", "type": "main"}, {"kind": "meat", "name": "Baked chicken fillet", "price": "\u20ac 4,95", "type": "main"}, {"kind": "meat", "name": "Lasagna bolognese", "price": "\u20ac 5,15", "type": "cold"}, {"kind": "meat", "name": "Spaghetti bolognaise", "price": "\u20ac 5,35", "type": "cold"}], "open": true, "vegetables": ["vegan: Duo of carrots", "vegan: Crudit\u00e9s"], "message": "Due to serious production problems at the purveyor, soup will temporarily no longer be available. We are working hard to resolve this issue. Soup should be available again November 7th at the latest. Watch our website and tv screens for the most up-to-date information. "}