{"date": "2022-12-13", "meals": [{"allergens": [], "kind": "soup", "name": "Paprika soup", "price": "\u20ac 1,00", "type": "side"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegan", "name": "Spaghetti soy bolognese", "price": "\u20ac 3,95", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegetarian", "name": "Lentil dahl with Oriental vegetables", "price": "\u20ac 3,85", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "vegetarian", "name": "Veggie meatballs in tomato sauce / peas and carrots / mashed potatoes", "price": "\u20ac 5,65", "type": "cold"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "fish", "name": "White fish meuni\u00e8re", "price": "\u20ac 4,65", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "meat", "name": "Pork gyros", "price": "\u20ac 4,95", "type": "main"}, {"allergens": [], "kind": "meat", "name": "Mac 'n Cheese", "price": "\u20ac 4,95", "type": "cold"}, {"allergens": ["gluten", "rund", "selderij"], "kind": "meat", "name": "Spaghetti bolognaise", "price": "\u20ac 5,35", "type": "cold"}], "open": true, "vegetables": ["vegan: Green beans", "veggie: Leek in cream sauce", "vegan: Crudit\u00e9s"], "message": "From 23/12 until 2/01 de resto's are closed. Some locations close earlier. In resto Merelbeke there are no hot meals until December 6th."}