# A list of file extensions that Nanoc will consider to be textual rather than # binary. If an item with an extension not in this list is found, the file # will be considered as binary. text_extensions: [ 'adoc', 'asciidoc', 'atom', 'coffee', 'css', 'erb', 'haml', 'handlebars', 'hb', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'less', 'markdown', 'md', 'ms', 'mustache', 'php', 'rb', 'rdoc', 'sass', 'scss', 'slim', 'tex', 'txt', 'xhtml', 'xml', 'yml' ] base_url: http://localhost:3000 environments: prod: base_url: https://durfdoen.be prune: auto_prune: true data_sources: - type: filesystem encoding: utf-8 checking: enabled_checks: - external_links - internal_links - stale