2020-09-16 20:46:00 +02:00

115 lines
4.3 KiB

<h2 class="question__"> <%= question[:vraag] %> </h2>
<% if question[:type] == "specialCase1" %>
Geef je postcode in
<input id="postcodeField" type=number placeholder=9000>
<form id="<%= number %>_form" class="form">
<% question[:antwoorden].sort_by{ |x| x[:tekst] }.each_with_index do |answer, idx| %>
<label class="form__element">
<input type=<% if question[:type] == "meerkeuze" %>"checkbox"<% else %>"radio"<% end %>
value='<%=number+"#"+idx.to_s%>' name=<%= number %> >
<span class="form__element__text">
<%= answer[:tekst] %>
<% end %>
<% question[:antwoorden].sort_by{ |x| x[:tekst] }.each_with_index do |answer, idx|%>
<% if answer[:vraag] %>
<div id='<%= number+"#"+idx.to_s %>' class="question_wrapper" style="display:none;">
<%= render '/partials/question.*', question: answer, number: number+"."+idx.to_s %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if question[:type] == "specialCase1" %>
(function setupPostCodeField() {
const postcodes = (function genpostcodes() {
const postcodes = {};
for(let ver of <%= postcodes_per_vereniging.to_json %> ) {
for(let post of ver["postcodes"] || []) {
if(!(post in postcodes)) postcodes[post+""] = [];
return postcodes;
let last_answered = [];
const postcodeField = document.getElementById("postcodeField");
const handler = () => {
const selected = postcodes[postcodeField.value] || [];
// Update results
last_answered = selected;
postcodeField.addEventListener("past", handler, false);
postcodeField.addEventListener("input", handler, false);
// If false and the this question changes, all children should loose `checked`
// This might not actually work when questions are infinitely deep
const multiple_allowed = <%= question[:type] == "meerkeuze" %>;
// Reference back to the last selected option
// This way we can 'deselect' the question results
let last_answered = [];
// Create list of all subquestions
const sub_questions = {};
// Create list of all student organisations this answer entails
const question_results = {};
<% question[:antwoorden].sort_by{ |x| x[:tekst] }.each_with_index do |answer, idx| %>
<% if answer[:vraag] %>sub_questions['<%= number+"#"+idx.to_s %>'] = document.getElementById('<%= number+"#"+idx.to_s %>');<% end %>
question_results['<%= number+"#"+idx.to_s %>'] = <%= (answer[:verenigingen] || []).map { |vereniging| vereniging[:naam] }.to_a %>;
<% end %>
const formElement = document.getElementById("<%= number %>_form");
formElement.addEventListener('change', () => {
for (let la of last_answered) {
if (sub_questions[la]) {
sub_questions[la].style.display = "none";
// sub is the select dom element, that listens for changes
// When a parent is changed, it should notify it's last_answered child that it is changed
// Notice the replace, we move from an answer to a subquestion
const sub = document.getElementById(la.replace("#", ".")+"_form");
if (sub && !multiple_allowed) {
[...sub.elements].filter(e => e.nodeName == "INPUT").forEach(e => e.checked = false);
sub.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
const selected = [...formElement.elements].filter(e => e.nodeName == "INPUT").filter(e => e.checked).map(e => e.value || e.text);
// Update results
save_answers(selected.flatMap(e => question_results[e] || []));
del_answers(last_answered.flatMap(e => question_results[e] || []));
// Make possible sub question visible
const quests = selected.flatMap(e => sub_questions[e] || []);
last_answered = selected;
for (let quest of quests) {
delete quest.style.removeProperty("display");
}, false);