2020-02-28 01:18:42 +01:00

28 lines
1.2 KiB

<h2> <%= question[:vraag] %> </h2>
<select id="<%= question[:vraag] %>">
<option value="" selected="selected disabled hidden">Maak uw keuze</option>
<% for answer in question[:antwoorden]%>
<option value="<%= answer[:tekst] %>">
<%= answer[:tekst] %>
<% end %>
<% for answer in question[:antwoorden]%>
<% if answer[:vraag] %>
<%# Should store all sub-questions with a reference to their parent question in the data-parent
attribute, however, these atrtibutes remain empty. %>
<div id=<%= answer[:vraag]%> style="display:none;" data-parent="<% question[:vraag] %>">
<%= render '/partials/question.*', question: answer %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
document.getElementById("<%= question[:vraag] %>").addEventListener('change', (event) =>{
// find subquestions of this question and set display:initial;
console.log("<%= question[:vraag] %>");
// If the data-parent attributes would be filled, this would find the relevant sub-questions
// they could then be made visible again.
console.log(document.querySelectorAll('[data-parent="<%= question[:vraag] %>"]'));