"use strict"; function createClient(endpoint) { const api = new mm_client.MattermostApi(normalizedEndpoint(endpoint)); return new mm_client.MattermostClient(api, localstorage_credentials); } function buttonDisable(element, text) { if (!element.dataset.originalText) { element.dataset.originalText = element.innerText; } element.innerText = text; element.disabled = true; } function buttonEnable(element) { element.innerText = element.dataset.originalText; element.disabled = false; } function logIn() { const client = createClient(byId("login_server").value); buttonDisable(byId("login_button"), "Logging in..."); client.logIn(byId("login_login_id").value, byId("login_password").value) .then(json => { buttonEnable(byId("login_button")); byId("login_message").innerText = ""; byId("channel_list").innerText = `Logged in as ${json.username}`; window.location = "#"; populateServerSelectionList(); populateChannelList(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); buttonEnable(byId("login_button")); byId("login_message").innerText = `${error}`; }); } function logOut(endpoint, button) { const client = createClient(endpoint); buttonDisable(button, "Logging out..."); client.logOut() .then(response => { console.info("Succesfully logged out"); populateServerSelectionList(); populateChannelList(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); const span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerText = `Failed to log out: ${error.message}`; button.parentElement.appendChild(span); buttonEnable(button); }); } function channelNameElements(team, channel) { let icon = ""; let teamName = team.name; let channelName = channel.name; let title = ""; switch (channel.type) { case "O": // Public channel title = `${channel.name} in team ${team.name} (public)`; break; case "P": // Private channel icon = "🔒"; title = `${channel.name} in team ${team.name} (private)`; break; case "D": // Direct message return undefined; teamName = ""; channelName = `👤 ...`; title = `Direct message`; break; case "G": // Group chat teamName = ""; channelName = `👥 ${channel.display_name}`; title = `Group chat with ${channel.display_name}`; break; default: // Unsupported icon = channel.type; title = `${channel.name} in team ${team.name} (type ${channel.type})`; break; } let elements = []; if (icon) { elements.push(`${icon} `); } if (teamName) { const teamElement = document.createElement("span"); teamElement.className = "team-name"; teamElement.innerText = teamName; elements.push(teamElement); const separatorElement = document.createElement("span"); separatorElement.className = "separator"; separatorElement.innerText = "/"; elements.push(separatorElement); } const channelElement = document.createElement("span"); channelElement.className = "channel-name"; channelElement.innerText = channelName; elements.push(channelElement); return [title, elements]; } function switchToChannel(client, team, channel) { for (let el of byId("channel_list").childNodes) { if (el.dataset["id"] == channel.id) { el.className = "active"; } else { el.className = ""; } } byId("channel_contents").innerText = "Loading…"; client.channelPosts(channel.id) .then(response => { console.info(`Got channel contents of ${channel.id} (${channel.name})`); populateChannelContents(client, response); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); byId("channel_contents").innerText = `Failed to get channel contents:\n${error.message}`; }); const [title, elements] = channelNameElements(team, channel); byId("channel_header").innerHTML = ""; byId("channel_header").append(...elements); byId("compose").setAttribute("placeholder", `Write to ${byId("channel_header").textContent}`); }