#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail cd "$(dirname "$0")" check_remote() { if [[ $MATTERMOST_REMOTE == */ ]]; then echo "MATTERMOST_REMOTE should not end with a slash (it should only the protocol and the domain; no path)" >&2 exit 1 fi } if [[ ! -f config ]]; then read -p 'Server URL (e.g. `https://mattermost.example.com`): ' MATTERMOST_REMOTE check_remote echo "MATTERMOST_REMOTE='$MATTERMOST_REMOTE'" > config echo 'You can change this later by editing the file `config`.' fi source "config" check_remote server_pid=0 finish() { if [[ $server_pid -gt 1 ]]; then kill "$server_pid" || true; server_pid=0; fi } trap finish EXIT python3 -m "http.server" >/dev/null 2>&1 & server_pid=$! mitmproxy -s etc/mitm_cors.py -m "reverse:$MATTERMOST_REMOTE"