"use strict"; const LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_SERVERS = "mattermostServers"; function byId(id, nullOk=false) { const el = document.getElementById(id); if (!el && !nullOk) { console.error(`No element #${id}`); } return el; } function storeCredentials(endpoint, login_id, token) { let storedServers = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_SERVERS) || "[]"); if (!(endpoint in storedServers)) storedServers.push(endpoint); window.localStorage.setItem(LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_SERVERS, JSON.stringify(storedServers)); window.localStorage.setItem(`${LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_SERVERS}_${endpoint}`, JSON.stringify({login_id, token})); } function getCredentials(endpoint) { return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(`${LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_SERVERS}_${endpoint}`) || "null"); } class MattermostApi { constructor(endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; } async validateToken(token) { const response = await ajax.getJson(`${this.endpoint}/users/me`, { headers: { "Token": `Authorization: Bearer ${token}` } }); if (!response.ok) { throw response; } return response; } logIn(login_id, password) { return ajax.postJson(`${this.endpoint}/users/login`, {login_id, password}) .then(response => { let token = response.getHeader("Token"); storeCredentials(this.endpoint, login_id, token); return response; }) .then(response => { document.body.innerHTML = ""; const pre = document.createElement("pre"); pre.innerText = JSON.stringify(response.json, null, 2); document.body.appendChild(pre); return response; }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); document.body.innerText = `An error occurred: ${error}`; }); } } /** * Return an endpoint URL that has a protocol, domain and path */ function normalizedEndpoint(endpoint) { let matches = endpoint.match(/^(https?:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(\/.*)?$/i); if (!matches) throw Error("Invalid endpoint URL"); let protocol = matches[1] || "https://"; let domain = matches[2]; let path = matches[3] || "/api/v4"; return `${protocol}${domain}${path}`; } function logIn() { let endpoint = normalizedEndpoint(byId("server").value); let api = new MattermostApi(endpoint); api.logIn(byId("username").value, byId("password").value); } function validateToken() { let endpoint = normalizedEndpoint(byId("server").value); let api = new MattermostApi(endpoint); api.validateToken(getCredentials(endpoint)) .then(() => { byId("validate").value = "Validation succeeded"; byId("validate").disabled = false; }) .catch(() => { byId("validate").value = "Validation failed"; byId("validate").disabled = false; }); }