const store = (function() { "use strict"; class ChannelStore { constructor(client) { this.client = client; this._channels = null; this._unread = null; this._promise = null; this._fetching = false; } fetch() { if (this._fetching) { return; } this._fetching = true; this._channels = null; this._unread = null; const teams = this.client.myTeams(); const channels = teams .then(teams => Promise.all( => this.client.myChannels( .then(teams => => arrayToHashmap(channels, "id"))) .then(flattenHashmaps); const unread = teams .then(teams => Promise.all( => this.client.getUnread( .then(flattenArrays); function processUnread(channels, unread) { // In the Mattermost API, not the number of *unread* messages but the number of *read* // messages is returned, so we have to subtract that from the number of total messages. let result = Object.create(null); for (let x of unread) { if (!(x["channel_id"] in channels)) continue; let object = Object.create(null); object.unread = channels[x["channel_id"]]["total_msg_count"] - x["msg_count"]; object.mentions = x["mention_count"]; result[x["channel_id"]] = object; } return result; } this._promise = Promise.all([teams, channels, unread]) .then(([teams, channels, unread]) => { this._teams = arrayToHashmap(teams, "id"); this._channels = channels; this._unread = processUnread(channels, unread); this._fetching = false; pubsub.publish("CHANNELS_RELOADED"); }) .catch(() => {this._fetching = false;}); } async get() { if (this._promise === null) { this.fetch(); } await this._promise; return {teams: this._teams, channels: this._channels, unread: this._unread}; } async updateChannel(channel) { if (this._promise === null) { // Data does not exist yet and is not being requested return; } await this._promise; this._channels[channel["id"]] = channel; } async increaseUnread(post) { if (this._promise === null) { // Data does not exist yet and is not being requested return; } await this._promise; // TODO Check if post is mention and increase mentions counter if it is this._unread[post["channel_id"]].unread += 1; const unread = this._unread[post["channel_id"]].unread; const mentions = this._unread[post["channel_id"]].mentions; pubsub.publish("CHANNEL_UNREAD_UPDATED", {endpoint: this.client.endpoint, channel_id: post["channel_id"], unread, mentions}); } async setUnread(channel_id, unread, mentions) { if (this._promise === null) { // Data does not exist yet and is not being requested return; } await this._promise; this._unread[channel_id].unread = unread; this._unread[channel_id].mentions = mentions; pubsub.publish("CHANNEL_UNREAD_UPDATED", {endpoint: this.client.endpoint, channel_id, unread, mentions}); } async updateLastPostTime(channel_id, time) { if (this._promise === null) { // Data does not exist yet and is not being requested return; } await this._promise; this._channels[channel_id]["last_post_at"] = time; pubsub.publish("CHANNEL_LAST_POST_TIME_UPDATED", {endpoint: this.client.endpoint, channel_id, time}); } } return {ChannelStore}; })();