function populateServerSelectionList() { const servers = localstorage_credentials.getServers(); let nodes = []; for (let server of servers) { const li = document.createElement("li"); const endpoint = humanReadableEndpoint(server.endpoint); li.innerText = `${server.login_id}@${endpoint} `; const logoutButton = document.createElement("button"); logoutButton.className = "logout"; logoutButton.innerText = "Log out"; logoutButton.addEventListener("click", e => logOut(server.endpoint, e.currentTarget)); li.appendChild(logoutButton); nodes.push(li); } byId("server_selection_list").innerHTML = ""; byId("server_selection_list").append(...nodes); } function populateChannelList() { async function addChannelItems(client) { const teams = await client.myTeams(); for (let team of teams) { let nodes = []; const channels = await client.myChannels(; for (let channel of channels) { const li = document.createElement("li"); const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "javascript:void(0)"; const titleAndElements = channelNameElements(team, channel); if (!titleAndElements) continue; a.title = titleAndElements[0]; a.append(...titleAndElements[1]); a.addEventListener("click", () => switchToChannel(client, team, channel)); li.appendChild(a); li.dataset["id"] =; nodes.push(li); } byId("channel_list").append(...nodes); } } byId("channel_list").innerHTML = ""; const endpoints = localstorage_credentials.getServers().map(server => server.endpoint); for (let client of mm_client.getMultiple(endpoints)) { addChannelItems(client); } } pubsub.subscribe("MESSAGES_NEW", post => { const chan = currentChannel(); if (!(post.endpoint === chan.endpoint && post.channel_id === chan.channel_id)) { // TODO mark channel unread } });