{ "LCD": { "image": "/assets/img/LCD_v1.png", "features": [ "2x16 alphanumeric LCD", "2 status LEDs" ], "description": "An LCD to show varying information! A bright back-light ensures readability under all conditions.", "applications": [ "HID", "Industrial control", "Bomb-defusal devices" ], "el-specs" : { "Supply voltage": { "min": "4,5", "typ": "5", "max": "5,5", "unit": "V" }, "Supply current": { "min": "50", "typ": "150", "max": "500", "unit": "mA" } }, "app-note": "Quite a long text about an application not, perhaps shouldn't be placed in a json file...", "documents": { "datasheet" : "#datasheet", "pinout diagram": "#pinout diagram", "mechanical drawing": "#mechanical drawing" }, "order-codes": { "LCD1BASE": "Base unit" } }, "7-segment": { "image": "https://dummyimage.com/400x400/777/fff.png&text=Product+image+coming+soon", "features": [ "4 digits", "1 led per digit", "2 status LEDs" ], "description": "A 7-segment display capable of showing various information. Additionally each digit has its own indicator led.", "applications": [ "HID", "Industrial control", "Bomb-defusal devices" ], "el-specs" : { "Supply voltage": { "min": "4,5", "typ": "5", "max": "5,5", "unit": "V" }, "Supply current": { "min": "50", "typ": "150", "max": "500", "unit": "mA" } }, "app-note": "Quite a long text about an application not, perhaps shouldn't be placed in a json file...", "documents": { "datasheet" : "#datasheet", "pinout diagram": "#pinout diagram", "mechanical drawing": "#mechanical drawing" }, "order-codes": { "7SEG1BASE": "Base unit" } } }