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O.B.U.S. Catalog

August 2020

OBUS catalog


Consisting of input-, output- and controller modules, the OBUS family has you covered!

Although designed for bomb defusal devices, OBUS modules can be used throughout all branches of industry. Consisting of input-, output- and controller modules, the OBUS family has you covered!

Designed from a bombmaker's perspective; when incorporated into a bomb, they can be infuriating and stressful to defuse. But when you know how the modules are connnected, they are easily defused. Creating a safer experience for every bombmaker! While still ensuring that your bomb is not defused in unwated cases, and works as expected, hitting the intended targets.

If you are especially sadistic, modules are available designed to create stress and panick in the defuser when operated incorrectly.

A variety of methods is used to accomplish this; loud noises, flashing lights and smaller explosions. Because a stressed and distracted defuser is a bad defuser; ensuring that your bomb will reach the intended target, or create as much panic as possible.



A good and reliable controller is the core of any system, a bomb is no different.

The obus control modules are designed to easily control every aspect of your bomb. A proprietary protocol [link to protocol document] ensures that the bomb cannot be defused by simply dissabling the controller.

Featuring universal plug-and-play compatibility with all of our other modules, controllers can easily be swapped out, for more cabable units when needed or when they become available.

Controllers are available with a web interface, allowing you to monitor and control your bomb from far away. Creating more enjoyment, and giving the opportunity for "random" events.

See all controllers

input modules

Anything becomes more interesting when you can interact with it. The input modules are perfect for this! Buttons, switches, joysticks and more, everything you can imagine.

These modules can be considered the core of the bomb system, as these allow defusing the bomb. But you don't want anyone else to be able to defuse the bomb except yourself.

Modules come both in an active version and a dummy version. This way you can make your bomb even more confusing!

The dummy version are cheaper versions of the active ones, allowing you to add extra dummy-modules at almost no extra cost.

See all input modules

output modules

Want your bomb to give some feedback to the person that is defusing it? Then these modules are ideal!

They can easily be configured via the controller to show information about the bomb and the state of defusing. They can just as easily be configured to show false, contradictory or even non-sense information.

See all output modules

panic modules

Do you think that bomb defusing is too easy and not stressful enough?
Why not add some panic modules?

Designed to have no link with the bomb defusing, they are still able to trigger the bomb.
These modules activate at random times and require immediate action to prevent triggering the bomb, breaking the focus of the person defusing the bomb.

They achieve this in different ways, some modules flash a small light and require you to push a button, while others sound an alarm or siren and the defuser must solve a puzzle of sorts the dissable the alarm.

See all panic modules



controller module

  • Handy web-interface
  • Configure other modules easily
  • Control up to 256 modules

The central core of every bomb system, this controller module will drive your bomb to unseen heights (or depths if explosions craters are more your thing)!

  • HID
  • Industrial control
  • Bomb-defusal devices

electrical specs

Characteristic Limits unit
min max
Supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V
Supply current 50 500 mA

Application note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae nisi expedita sapiente inventore iste? Nulla, illo totam eaque beatae possimus rem voluptatum quae, mollitia in facilis dolore, perspiciatis harum fuga?

order codes

Description code
Base unit CONTROL1

input modules


DPAD module

  • 4 directional buttons
  • 1 enter button
  • 2 LED's

A box with 4 directional buttons and one enter/confirm button. Two status LED's give an easy overview of the module's state.

  • HID
  • Industrial control
  • Bomb-defusal devices

electrical specs

Characteristic Limits unit
min max
Supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V
Supply current 50 500 mA

Application note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae nisi expedita sapiente inventore iste? Nulla, illo totam eaque beatae possimus rem voluptatum quae, mollitia in facilis dolore, perspiciatis harum fuga?

Praesentium, esse! Maiores iusto rem fuga quis enim doloremque facilis molestias voluptatibus vitae culpa recusandae quibusdam provident delectus aliquam deleniti, deserunt perferendis dolore laborum quasi unde! Nulla doloremque vero totam.

Mollitia beatae, ipsa libero corrupti tempore excepturi perspiciatis dolore dicta. Fugit, repudiandae! Incidunt doloribus vel ratione aspernatur debitis nobis cupiditate, harum alias optio ea eligendi in qui architecto est ipsam.

Animi repellendus eaque magnam beatae, sunt temporibus nam debitis eligendi exercitationem quisquam ea, nihil, vitae sequi illum cumque minus velit vel consequuntur? Officia a, quibusdam natus perspiciatis doloribus laudantium eveniet.

order codes

Description code
Base unit DPAD1BASE
green buttons DPAD1GREEN


Joystick module

  • 2 analog joysticks
  • 2 clicky joystick buttons
  • 2 LED's

A box with 2 analog joysticks, the joysticks can be pushed down for an extra contact. Two status LED's give an easy overview of the module's state.

  • HID
  • Industrial control
  • Bomb-defusal devices

electrical specs

Characteristic Limits unit
min max
Supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V
Supply current 50 500 mA

Application note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente mollitia quo aliquam nihil reiciendis autem beatae error dolorem inventore adipisci. Odit fugit exercitationem doloribus earum vel laudantium illo, ea ad!

Aut totam doloribus rerum quas nemo eum dolorem, soluta placeat dolore similique unde eveniet sapiente nesciunt repudiandae blanditiis cupiditate architecto nobis repellat enim adipisci esse aliquid ab. Quis, rerum dicta.

Corporis inventore, delectus laborum consectetur illum nihil, omnis dolores in cumque pariatur quisquam molestiae ea facilis placeat, laboriosam obcaecati voluptatibus ipsam? Qui, voluptate magni? Excepturi minus blanditiis distinctio atque ab?

Quibusdam aut id molestiae similique enim quia inventore, ratione commodi amet sapiente unde, sed deleniti suscipit, eum repudiandae velit hic a perspiciatis totam beatae fuga. Magni, repellat? Id, cupiditate totam!

order codes

Description code
Base unit JOY1BASE
green buttons JOY1GREEN

output modules


LCD module

  • 1 LCD
  • 2 LED's

An LCD to show varying information! A bright back-light ensures readability under all conditions.

  • HID
  • Industrial control
  • Bomb-defusal devices

electrical specs

Characteristic Limits unit
min max
Supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V
Supply current 50 500 mA

Application note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae doloribus, quia illum quibusdam porro nostrum qui earum sed. Cupiditate at odit minus aliquam dolorem ipsum reiciendis, tempora non voluptas pariatur.

Optio ea at ad nobis iusto officiis hic voluptate numquam aperiam, eligendi sint, voluptas voluptatibus aspernatur magnam non molestiae doloremque quam eveniet blanditiis architecto repellat possimus sapiente? Accusamus, iure similique!

Perspiciatis quod porro dolores dolorum eos consequatur, hic animi corrupti eius cum voluptatum ratione suscipit illo quasi eligendi. Vero harum cupiditate dolor voluptatibus consequuntur rem molestiae aperiam nisi reiciendis quae!

Deleniti beatae quam dolor! Vero at pariatur voluptas dolor eos nostrum corrupti aspernatur, quam eum nam autem ipsum exercitationem, rem tenetur possimus aut, nulla dolorum repellendus expedita! Earum, quam a?

order codes

Description code
Base unit LCD1BASE

panic modules (needy)

DEAD series

Dumb & Extremely Aggravating Devices