______________________________________ Recap: message in CAN protocol ↓ 11b ↓ 64b (8 bytes) +----+-----------------+ - - - | id | body | don’t care for now +----+-----------------+ - - - Priority is controlled by the ID: if a message with a higher ID is on the bus, lower messages will be silenced due to the design of CAN. ______________________________________ OBUS message specification ID: b bb bbbbbbbb | | ↓ | ↓ module-ID: 2⁸=256 ↓ type: 2²=4 priority bit (so that each type can send priority messages if need be, 0 = high priority, 1 = low priority) type: - 0 module-ID 0: controller, >0: info - 1 puzzel - 2 needy - 3 reserved for future use Payload: [ B B B B B B B B ] - ↓ type of the message (per module type) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Types for controller: - 0 acknowledge valid message [ X B B B B B B B ] - - ---------- | ↓ reserved ↓ module ID type - 1 hello [ X B B B B B B B ] -------------- reserved - 2 game start [ X B B B B B B B ] -------- - - - time left ↓ ↓ reserved #strikes #max strikes - 3 state (every x ms – e.g. in the middle of each second) [ X B B B B B B B ] -------- - - - time left ↓ ↓ #solved puzzle modules #strikes #max strikes - 4-6 solved, timeout, strikeout [ X B B B B B B B ] -------- - - - end time ↓ ↓ #solved puzzle modules #strikes #max strikes - 7 info start [ X B B B B B B B ] -------------- reserved - 8-255 reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Types for info: These are managed by MOANA: the Modules of OBUS Authority for Numbers Assignment. You can reach MOANA in the ~obus Mattermost channel. (none yet) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Types for modules: - 0 register [ X B B B B B B B ] -------------- reserved - 1 strike [ X B B B B B B B ] ↓ -----↓------ #strikes reserved - 2 solved (not for needy modules) [ X B B B B B B B ] -------------- reserved