Consisting of input-, output- and controller modules, the OBUS family
has you covered!
Although designed for bomb defusal devices, OBUS modules can be used
throughout all branches of industry. Consisting of input-, output-
and controller modules, the OBUS family has you covered!
Designed from a bombmaker's perspective; when incorporated into a
bomb, they can be infuriating and stressful to defuse. But when you
know how the modules are connnected, they are easily defused.
Creating a safer experience for every bombmaker! While still
ensuring that your bomb is not defused in unwated cases, and works
as expected, hitting the intended targets.
If you are especially sadistic, modules are available designed to
create stress and panick in the defuser when operated incorrectly.
A variety of methods is used to accomplish this; loud noises,
flashing lights and smaller explosions. Because a stressed and
distracted defuser is a bad defuser; ensuring that your bomb will
reach the intended target, or create as much panic as possible.
A good and reliable controller is the core of any system, a bomb is
no different.
The obus control modules are designed to easily control every aspect
of your bomb. A proprietary protocol [link to protocol document]
ensures that the bomb cannot be defused by simply dissabling the
Featuring universal plug-and-play compatibility with all of our
other modules, controllers can easily be swapped out, for more
cabable units when needed or when they become available.
Controllers are available with a web interface, allowing you to
monitor and control your bomb from far away. Creating more
enjoyment, and giving the opportunity for "random" events.
See all controllers
input modules
Anything becomes more interesting when you can interact with it. The
input modules are perfect for this! Buttons, switches, joysticks and
more, everything you can imagine.
These modules can be considered the core of the bomb system, as
these allow defusing the bomb. But you don't want anyone else to be
able to defuse the bomb except yourself.
Modules come both in an active version and a dummy version. This way
you can make your bomb even more confusing!
The dummy version are cheaper versions of the active ones, allowing
you to add extra dummy-modules at almost no extra cost.
Read more
output modules
Want your bomb to give some feedback to the person that is defusing
it? Then these modules are ideal!
They can easily be configured via the controller to show information
about the bomb and the state of defusing. They can just as easily be
configured to show false, contradictory or even non-sense
Read more
panic modules
Do you think that bomb defusing is too easy and not stressful
Why not add some panic modules?
Designed to have no link with the bomb defusing, they are still able
to trigger the bomb.
These modules activate at random times and
require immediate action to prevent triggering the bomb, breaking
the focus of the person defusing the bomb.
They achieve this in different ways, some modules flash a small
light and require you to push a button, while others sound an alarm
or siren and the defuser must solve a puzzle of sorts the dissable
the alarm.
See all panic modules