2020-04-09 22:57:12 +02:00

194 lines
5.5 KiB

use crate::planetwars;
use crate::util::*;
use rocket::{State, Route};
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;
use mozaic::modules::types::*;
use mozaic::modules::{game, StepLock};
use mozaic::util::request::Connect;
use async_std::fs;
use async_std::prelude::StreamExt;
use futures::executor::ThreadPool;
use serde_json::Value;
use rand::prelude::*;
/// The type required to build a game.
/// (json in POST request).
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct GameReq {
nop: u64,
max_turns: u64,
map: String,
name: String,
/// Response when building a game.
struct GameRes {
players: Vec<u64>,
state: Value,
/// Standard get function for the lobby tab
async fn get_lobby(gm: State<'_, game::Manager>, state: State<'_, Games>) -> Result<Template, String> {
let maps = get_maps().await?;
let games = get_states(&state.get_games(), &gm).await?;
let context = Context::new_with("Lobby", Lobby { games, maps });
Ok(Template::render("lobby", &context))
/// The lobby get's this automatically on load and on refresh.
async fn state_get(gm: State<'_, game::Manager>, state: State<'_, Games>) -> Result<Template, String> {
let games = get_states(&state.get_games(), &gm).await?;
let context = Context::new_with("Lobby", Lobby { games, maps: Vec::new() });
Ok(Template::render("state_partial", &context))
/// Post function to create a game.
/// Returns the keys of the players in json.
#[post("/lobby", data="<game_req>")]
async fn post_game(game_req: Json<GameReq>, tp: State<'_, ThreadPool>, gm: State<'_, game::Manager>, state: State<'_, Games>) -> Result<Json<GameRes>, String> {
let game = build_builder(tp.clone(), game_req.nop, game_req.max_turns, &, &;
let game_id = gm.start_game(game).await.unwrap();
state.add_game(, game_id);
match gm.get_state(game_id).await {
Some(Ok((state, conns))) => {
let players: Vec<u64> = conns.iter().map(|conn| match conn {
Connect::Waiting(_, key) => *key,
_ => 0,
Ok(Json(GameRes { players, state }))
Some(Err(v)) => {
None => {
Err(String::from("Fuck the world"))
/// Generate random ID for the game, used as filename
fn generate_string_id() -> String {
.collect::<String>() + ".json"
/// game::Manager spawns game::Builder to start games.
/// This returns such a Builder for a planetwars game.
fn build_builder(
pool: ThreadPool,
number_of_clients: u64,
max_turns: u64,
map: &str,
name: &str,
) -> game::Builder<planetwars::PlanetWarsGame> {
let config = planetwars::Config {
map_file: map.to_string(),
max_turns: max_turns,
let game =
planetwars::PlanetWarsGame::new(config.create_game(number_of_clients as usize), &generate_string_id(), name, map);
let players: Vec<PlayerId> = (0..number_of_clients).collect();
game::Builder::new(players.clone(), game).with_step_lock(
StepLock::new(players.clone(), pool.clone())
/// Fuels the lobby routes
pub fn fuel(routes: &mut Vec<Route>) {
routes.extend(routes![post_game, get_lobby, state_get]);
pub struct Lobby {
pub games: Vec<GameState>,
pub maps: Vec<Map>,
pub struct Map {
name: String,
url: String,
async fn get_maps() -> Result<Vec<Map>, String> {
let mut maps = Vec::new();
let mut entries = fs::read_dir("maps")
.map_err(|_| "IO error".to_string())?;
while let Some(file) = {
let file = file.map_err(|_| "IO error".to_string())?.path();
if let Some(stem) = file.file_stem().and_then(|x| x.to_str()) {
maps.push(Map {
name: stem.to_string(),
url: file.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
use crate::planetwars::FinishedState;
use futures::future::{join_all, FutureExt};
pub async fn get_states(
game_ids: &Vec<(String, u64)>,
manager: &game::Manager,
) -> Result<Vec<GameState>, String> {
let mut states = Vec::new();
let gss = join_all(
.map(|(name, id)| manager.get_state(id).map(move |f| (f, name))),
for (gs, name) in gss {
if let Some(state) = gs {
match state {
Ok((state, conns)) => {
let players: Vec<PlayerStatus> =
conns.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect();
let connected = players.iter().filter(|x| x.connected).count();
states.push(GameState::Playing {
name: name,
total: players.len(),
map: String::new(),
Err(value) => {
let state: FinishedState = serde_json::from_value(value).expect("Shit failed");