2020-03-27 10:31:56 +01:00

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var name = capFirst(name1[getRandomInt(0, name1.length + 1)]) + ' ' + capFirst(name2[getRandomInt(0, name2.length + 1)]);
return name;
const constructMap = () => {
const planets = [];
for (let i in parameters) {
for (let j in parameters[i]) {
if (parameters[i][j]) {
let r_i = parseFloat(i);
let r_j = parseFloat(j);
if (r_i % 2 == 1) {
r_j += 0.5;
// const real_j = j % 2 == 1 ? j + 0.5 : j;
// const real_j = j % 2 == 1 ? j + 0.5 : j;
"name": parameters[i][j]["name"],
"ship_count": parseInt(parameters[i][j]["shipCount"]),
"owner": parameters[i][j]["colour"],
"x": r_j,
"y": r_i
return { "planets": planets };
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document.querySelector(".confirm").addEventListener(`click`, handleConfirmButton);
document.querySelector(".clear").addEventListener(`click`, handleClearButton);
const handleClearButton = () => {
parameters = new Array(0);
const handleConfirmButton = () => {
const name = fields["mapName"].value;
if (!name) {
console.log("No name!");
return; // Errored
const obj = { "name": name, "map": constructMap() };
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
// TODO: make response visible
};"POST", "/maps");
const createGrid = amount => {
size = amount;
// Extend the parameters array
parameters = parameters.slice(0, size);
parameters.push.apply(parameters, Array.from(new Array(size - parameters.length), _ => []));
for (let i in parameters) {
parameters[i] = parameters[i].slice(0, size);
parameters[i].push.apply(parameters[i], new Array(size - parameters[i].length));
$grid = document.querySelector(".grid");
$grid.innerHTML = "";
for (row = 0; row < amount; row++) {
$row = document.createElement('div');
if (row % 2 != 0) {
$ = (50 / amount) + "%";
$ = (-50 / amount) + "%";
$ = (100 / amount) + "%";
$row.classList.add("row_" + row);
for (col = 0; col < amount; col++) {
const square = createSquare(col, row, amount);
if (parameters[row][col]) {
// Set square as before
const colour = parameters[row][col]["colour"];
square.classList.add("planet_" + COLOURS[colour]);
const createSquare = (col, row, amount) => {
$square = document.createElement('div');
$square.classList.add("square-" + row + "-" + col);
$ = (100 / amount) + "%";
$square.addEventListener(`click`, handleSquareClick);
$square.addEventListener(`mouseover`, handleSquareHover);
return ($square);
const updateSquare = (element, i, j, colour, data) => {
if (!parameters[i][j]) {
parameters[i][j] = {};
Object.assign(parameters[i][j], data);
// Cannot shortcut with || operate, 0 is falsy
const prev_colour = parameters[i][j].hasOwnProperty("colour") ? parameters[i][j]["colour"] : -1;
if (prev_colour === colour) {
element.classList.remove("planet_" + COLOURS[colour]);
parameters[i][j] = undefined;
} else {
element.classList.remove("planet_" + prev_colour < 0 ? "" : COLOURS[parseInt(prev_colour)]);
element.classList.add("planet_" + COLOURS[colour]);
parameters[i][j]["colour"] = colour;
const handleSquareClick = e => {
document.querySelectorAll(".colourButton").forEach(colour => {
if (colour.checked) {
$name = e.currentTarget.classList[1];
const [i, j] = $name.split("-").slice(1);
const data = {
"shipCount": fields["currentShipCount"].checkValidity() ? fields["currentShipCount"].value : 0,
"name": fields["currentName"].value || generateName(),
updateSquare(e.currentTarget, i, j, parseInt(colour.value), data);
const event = new Event('mouseover');
const handleSquareHover = e => {
$name = e.currentTarget.classList[1];
const [i, j] = $name.split("-").slice(1);
const obj = parameters[i][j] || {};
fields["name"].value = obj["name"] || "";
fields["shipCount"].value = obj["shipCount"] || "";
fields["owner"].value = obj.hasOwnProperty("colour") ? obj["colour"] : "";
const createColourButtons = () => {
const colourSecectors = [];
COLOURS.forEach((colour, i) => {
$colourButtonWrapper = document.querySelector(".colourButtonWrapper");
$button = document.createElement("input");
if (i === 0) $button.checked = true;
$ = "colourButton";
$button.type = "radio";
$button.value = i;
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$checkmark.classList.add("colourButton_" + colour);
$container = document.createElement("label");
document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
var key = event.key || event.keyCode;
try {
colourSecectors[parseInt(key) - 1].checked = true;
} catch (_) {}
const handleChangeAmountOfSquares = e => {
if (e.currentTarget.checkValidity()) {