#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime import time import string from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from io import BytesIO import string import base64 NULL_CHAR = chr(0) file = open('/dev/hidg0', 'rb+') alphabet_lower = set(string.ascii_lowercase) alphabet_upper = set(string.ascii_uppercase) colors = { "Z": "a", # Black "B": "b", # Blue "G": "c", # Green "M": "d", # Magenta "R": "e", # Red "P": "f", # Pink "Y": "g", # Yellow "W": "h", # White "z": "i", # Light/blink Black "b": "j", # Light/blink Blue "g": "k", # Light/blink Green "m": "l", # Light/blink Magenta "r": "m", # Light/blink Red "p": "n", # Light/blink Pink "y": "o", # Light/blink Yellow "w": "p" # Light/blink White } special_chars = { ' ': [NULL_CHAR, chr(44)], '\n': [NULL_CHAR, chr(40)], '\\': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x31)], '.': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x37)], '/': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x38)], ';': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x33)], '-': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x2d)], '=': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x2e)], '[': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x2f)], ']': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x30)], '*': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x55)], ',': [NULL_CHAR, chr(0x36)], '!': [chr(32), chr(0x1e)], '<': [chr(32), chr(0x36)], '>': [chr(32), chr(0x37)], '?': [chr(32), chr(0x38)], ':': [chr(32), chr(0x33)], '(': [chr(32), chr(0x26)], ')': [chr(32), chr(0x27)], '&': [chr(32), chr(0x24)], '%': [chr(32), chr(0x22)], '#': [chr(32), chr(0x20)], '@': [chr(32), chr(0x1f)], '$': [chr(32), chr(0x21)], '_': [chr(32), chr(0x2d)], '+': [chr(32), chr(0x2e)], '{': [chr(32), chr(0x2f)], '}': [chr(32), chr(0x30)], '|': [chr(32), chr(0x31)], '~': [chr(32), chr(0x35)], } def write_report(report): file.write(report.encode()) def release_keys(): write_report(NULL_CHAR * 8) def printchar(c): if c in alphabet_lower: write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(4 + ord(c) - ord('a')) + NULL_CHAR * 5) elif c in alphabet_upper: write_report(chr(32) + NULL_CHAR + chr(4 + ord(c) - ord('A')) + NULL_CHAR * 5) elif c.isdigit(): write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(0x1e + ((ord(c) - ord('0') - 1) % 10)) + NULL_CHAR * 5) elif c in special_chars: write_report(special_chars[c][0] + NULL_CHAR + special_chars[c][1] + NULL_CHAR * 5) else: write_report(chr(32) + NULL_CHAR + chr(0x38) + NULL_CHAR * 5) release_keys() def change_color(background, foreground): if background in colors and foreground in colors: # DELETE keypress write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(0x2a) + NULL_CHAR * 5) release_keys() write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(4 + ord(colors[background]) - ord('a')) + NULL_CHAR * 5) release_keys() write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(4 + ord(colors[foreground]) - ord('a')) + NULL_CHAR * 5) else: print('Malformed Color code: §' + background + foreground) write_report(chr(32) + NULL_CHAR + chr(0x38) + NULL_CHAR * 5) release_keys() def printstring(s): last_c = '' last_last_c = '' for c in s: if last_last_c == '§': change_color(last_c, c) elif c != '§' and last_c != '§': printchar(c) last_c, last_last_c = c, last_c def reset_color(): change_color('Z', 'g') release_keys() def beep(code='ff'): write_report(NULL_CHAR * 2 + chr(0x29) + NULL_CHAR * 5) release_keys() for char in code: printchar(char) class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'Hello, world!') def do_POST(self): print(self.headers) message = base64.b64decode(self.headers['X-Messages']).decode('utf8') self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() response = BytesIO() response.write(b'This is POST request. ') response.write(b'Received: ') self.wfile.write(response.getvalue()) if message == 'reset': printstring('\n' * 32) else: printstring(message + '\n') beep() reset_color() file.flush() httpd = HTTPServer(('', 8000), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever()