
186 lines
3.6 KiB

org 0x7C00
bits 16
WIDTH equ 0x50
HEIGHT equ 0x18
VIDEO_MODE equ 0x3
;; see for interrupts
;; Use color mode
mov ax, VIDEO_MODE
int 10h
;; Clear screen
mov ah, 0x06
mov al, 0x00
mov bh, 0x0F
mov cx, 0x0000
mov dh, HEIGHT
mov dl, WIDTH
int 0x10
;; Set cursor to bottom of screen
mov dh, HEIGHT
mov dl, 0x00
mov bh, 0x00
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
mov sp, 0x2000
;; Read character
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
cmp al, 0x0d ; newline
je .newline
cmp al, 0x08 ; delete character
je .change_color_mode
cmp al, 0x1b ; escape character
je .beep
jmp .nonewline
call .readbyte
mov [color_mode], al
jmp .loop
;; Scroll up window
mov ah, 0x06
mov al, 0x01
mov bh, 0x0F
mov cx, 0x0000
mov dh, HEIGHT
mov dl, WIDTH
int 0x10
;; Get current cursor position
mov bh, 0x00
mov ah, 0x03
int 0x10
;; Move cursor to beginning of screen
mov dl, 0x00
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
jmp .loop
call .readduration
mov ah, 0
push ax
mov al, 182 ; Prepare the speaker for the
out 43h, al ; note.
call .readbyte
mov ah, 0
sal ax, 5 ; multiply by 32
add ax, 1140
out 42h, al ; Output low byte.
mov al, ah ; Output high byte.
out 42h, al
in al, 61h ; Turn on note (get value from
; port 61h).
or al, 00000011b ; Set bits 1 and 0.
out 61h, al ; Send new value.
;; mov bx, 50000 ; Pause for duration of note.
pop bx
push ax
mov ax, 3125
mul bx
mov bx, ax
pop ax
mov cx, 65535
dec cx
jne .pause2
dec bx
jne .pause1
in al, 61h ; Turn off note (get value from
; port 61h).
and al, 11111100b ; Reset bits 1 and 0.
out 61h, al ; Send new value.
jmp .loop
;; Write character
mov ah, 0x09
mov bh, 0x00
mov bl, [color_mode]
mov cx, 0x01
int 0x10
;; Get current cursor position
mov ah, 0x03
int 0x10
cmp dl, WIDTH
jge .eol
jmp .noeol
;; Scroll up window
mov ah, 0x06
mov al, 0x01
mov bh, 0x0F
mov cx, 0x0000
mov dh, HEIGHT
mov dl, WIDTH
int 0x10
;; Move cursor to beginning of screen
mov bh, 0
mov dh, HEIGHT
mov dl, 0x00
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
jmp .loop
;; Move cursor forward
inc dl
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
jmp .loop
;; Read character
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
;; Read character is in al
sub al, 'a'
mov bl, al
shl bl, 0x4
;; Read character
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
;; Read character is in al
sub al, 'a'
or al, bl
;; Read duration (0-16 supported)
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
;; Read character is in al
sub al, 'a'
halt: hlt
color_mode: db 0x02
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xAA55