2019-02-14 05:09:52 +01:00

161 lines
8.4 KiB

(ns cat.core
(:require [vega-tools.core :refer [validate-and-parse]]
[promesa.core :as p]))
;(defn ^:export main []
; (println "This is the main function.")
; (let [spec {:width 200 :height 200
; :marks [{:type "symbol"
; :properties {:enter {:size {:value 1000}
; :x {:value 100}
; :y {:value 100}
; :shape {:value "circle"}
; :stroke {:value "red"}}}}]}]
; (-> (validate-and-parse spec)
; (p/catch #(js/alert (str "Unable to parse spec:\n\n" %)))
; (p/then #(-> (% {:el (js/document.getElementById "#chart")})
; (.update))))))
;(defn on-js-reload []
; (println "This is the on-js-reload function.")
; (main))
(defn mount-components []
(let [spec {:width 700 :height 500
:signals [{:name "cx"}]
:marks [{:name "nodes"
:type "symbol"
:properties {:enter {:size {:value 1000}
:x {:value 100}
:y {:value 100}
:shape {:value "circle"}
:stroke {:value "red"}}}}]}
nodespec {;:$schema "",
:width 700,
:height 500,
:padding 0,
:autosize "none",
:signals [{:name "cx", :update "width / 2"}
{:name "cy", :update "height / 2"}
{:name "nodeRadius", :value 8,
:bind {:input "range",
:min 1,
:max 50,
:step 1}}
{:name "nodeCharge", :value -30,
:bind {:input "range",
:min -100,
:max 10,
:step 1}}
{:name "linkDistance", :value 30,
:bind {:input "range",
:min 5,
:max 100,
:step 1}}
{:name "static", :value true,
:bind {:input "checkbox"}}
; "State variable for active node fix status.",
; :name "fix", :value false,
; :on [{:events "symbol:mouseout[!event.buttons], window:mouseup",
; :update "false"}
; {:events "symbol:mouseover",
; :update "fix || true"}
; {:events "[symbol:mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
; :update "xy()",
; :force true}]}
;{:description "Graph node most recently interacted with.",
; :name "node", :value nil,
; :on [{:events "symbol:mouseover",
; :update "fix === true ? item() : node"}]}
{:description "Flag to restart Force simulation upon data changes.",
:name "restart",
:value false,
:on [{:events {:signal "fix"},
:update "fix && fix.length"}]}],
:data [{:name "node-data"
:url "/relations"
:format {:type "json", :property "nodes"}
{:name "link-data"
:url "/relations"
:format {:type "json", :property "links"}
:transform [{:type "lookup"
:fields ["name" "name_2"]
:as ["source" "target"]}]
; [{:name "color",
; :type "ordinal",
; :domain {:data "node-data", :field "name"},
; :range {:scheme "category20c"}}],
[{:name "nodes",
:type "symbol",
:zindex 1,
:from {:data "node-data"},
[{:trigger "fix",
:modify "node",
"fix === true ? {fx: node.x, fy: node.y} : {fx: fix[0], fy: fix[1]}"}
{:trigger "!fix",
:modify "node",
:values "{fx: null, fy: null}"}],
; {:enter
; {:fill {:scale "color", :field "group"},
; :stroke {:value "white"}},
; :update
; {:size
; {:signal "2 * nodeRadius * nodeRadius"},
; :cursor {:value "pointer"}}},
[{:type "force",
:iterations 300,
:restart {:signal "restart"},
:static {:signal "static"},
:signal "force",
:forces [{:force "center",
:x {:signal "cx"},
:y {:signal "cy"}}
{:force "collide",
:radius {:signal "nodeRadius"}}
{:force "nbody",
:strength {:signal "nodeCharge"}}
{:force "link",
:links "link-data",
:distance {:signal "linkDistance"}}]}]}
{:type "path",
:interactive false,
:from {:data "link-data"},
:encode {:update
{:stroke {:value "#ccc"},
:strokeWidth {:value 0.5}}},
[{:type "linkpath",
:require {:signal "force"},
:shape "line",
:sourceX "datum.source.x", :sourceY "datum.source.y",
:targetX "", :targetY ""}]}]}]
;(-> (validate-and-parse nodespec)
; (p/catch #(js/alert (str "Unable to parse spec:\n\n" %)))
; (p/then #(-> (% {:el (js/document.getElementById "chart")})
; (.update))))
(let [content (js/document.getElementById "app")]
(while (.hasChildNodes content)
(.removeChild content (.-lastChild content)))
;(.appendChild content (js/document.createTextNode "Welcome to cat"))
(defn init! []