#!/usr/bin/env -S nix shell --impure --expr "(import (builtins.getFlake \"nixpkgs\") {}).python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.python-gitlab ps.GitPython ])" --command python import json import os import pathlib import git import gitlab TOKEN_NAME = os.environ["GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME"] TOKEN = os.environ["GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN"] REPO_FOLDER = "drive" def get_repo(): if os.path.exists(REPO_FOLDER): print("Repo already exists") repo = git.Repo(REPO_FOLDER) else: print("Cloning repo") repo = git.Repo.clone_from( f"https://{TOKEN_NAME}:{TOKEN}@git.zeus.gent/bestuur/drive.git", REPO_FOLDER ) with repo.config_writer() as cw: cw.set_value("user", "email", "codimd.zeus.gent@mcbloch.dev") cw.set_value("user", "name", "CodiMD sync bot") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() return repo def clear_repo(repo): repo.git.restore("--staged", "--", "*") repo.git.restore("--", "*") def checkout_branch(repo, branch_name): repo.git.switch("master") if branch_name in repo.heads: repo.git.switch(branch_name) else: repo.git.switch("-c", branch_name) if branch_name in repo.remotes.origin.refs: repo.heads[branch_name].set_tracking_branch( repo.remotes.origin.refs[branch_name] ) repo.remotes.origin.pull() def sync_file(drive, repo, path, sync_to): branch_name = f"codimd-sync_{sync_to}" print(f"Starting sync of {path}") clear_repo(repo) print(f" Checking out onto branch: {branch_name}") checkout_branch(repo, branch_name) with open(path) as r: pathlib.Path(f'{REPO_FOLDER}/{sync_to[:sync_to.rfind("/")]}').mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True ) with open(f"{REPO_FOLDER}/{sync_to}", "w") as w: w.write(r.read()) print(repo.index.diff()) print(repo.untracked_files) if repo.index.diff() or repo.untracked_files: print(" Note has changes. Making a commit.") repo.git.add(sync_to) repo.git.commit("-m", sync_to) print(f" Pushing to branch: {branch_name}") repo.git.push("-u", "origin", branch_name) if not drive.mergerequests.list(source_branch=branch_name, state="opened"): if drive.mergerequests.list(source_branch=branch_name): print(" Creating a new merge request to update the gitlab document with the new version from CodiMD.") drive.mergerequests.create( { "source_branch": branch_name, "target_branch": "master", "title": f"[CodiMD sync] Update document {sync_to}", } ) else: print(" Creating a new merge request to add the document to gitlab.") drive.mergerequests.create( { "source_branch": branch_name, "target_branch": "master", "title": f"[CodiMD sync] Add document {sync_to}", } ) else: print(" Merge request was already open.") else: print(" Note has no changes.") def init_sync(): repo = get_repo() gl = gitlab.Gitlab("https://git.zeus.gent", private_token=TOKEN) drive = gl.projects.get(2) return repo, drive