# Raw socket programming challenge How to send a pure ethernet packet? Let us know in your favorite programming language! ## What are we expecting? A layer 2 ethernet frame is constructed in the following way. ``` [Destination MAC: 6 bytes][Source MAC: 6 bytes][Protocol: 2 bytes][Message: ZeusWPI is de max!] ``` For example ```python \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff \x12\xab\x34\xcd\x56 \x60\x00 \x5a\x45\x75\x53... Broadcast Dest MAC | Source MAC | Protocol | Your binary message ``` Send that frame with the message `ZeusWPI is de max!` over the same network interface that the listener is listening on and it will confirm that you completed the challenge! You can then put your code in a folder with the name of the programming language providing instructions on how to run it. ## How to We are providing some code that will listen to any packets received. It will give you a confirmation if you completed the challenge. The only python package requirement is `netifaces`. Install with the command `pip install --user netifaces` Create a file named `.env` with the following line `INTERFACE=YOUR_NETWORK_INTERFACE` * Run the listener with `sudo make listener` * We also provide an example client in python. Run it with `sudo make example-sender`