extends CanvasLayer var best = 0 var current = 0 var best_score; var current_score; var ready_text; # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): best_score = get_node("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/BestScore") current_score = get_node("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/CurrentScore") ready_text = get_node("CenterContainer/ReadyText") func _on_Player_start(): current = 0 ready_text.hide() update_ui() func _on_Player_hit(): ready_text.show() best = max(best, current) update_ui() func _on_Player_passed(): current += 1 update_ui() func update_ui(): best_score.text = "Best: "+str(best) current_score.text = "Current: "+str(current) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. #func _process(delta): # pass