extends Area2D # Signals signal start # The bird starts signal passed # The bird passes a Tower signal hit # The bird is hit/flies off screen var screen_size # The screen size, we want this at a later point # Speed variables @export var speed = 3 # How fast the player will move (pixels/sec). @export var jump_speed = 4 # Speed at which the bird gains height after jumping @export var speed_inc = 0.3 # Speed at which the bird falls var speed_y = 0 # Y speed of the bird var playing = false # State of the game func start_game(): screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size position = Vector2(0, screen_size.y / 2) speed_y = 0 update_rotation() # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time func _ready(): # We want the screen size to check if something is off screen screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size # Called every frame func _process(_delta): # Every frame we want to move the bird # The player can influence the movement by pressing space # An Area2D can have a position, split between x speed and y speed # Right now we want to bird to move at a set pace so x is constant # It's up to you to change the y accordingly. # Check if space is pressed if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"): # Player pressed space -> Move the bird up # Space is pressed, change the y speed so it gains height # TODO 1 # When we're not playing and space is hit then the game starts -> emit the right signal # TODO 2 pass # Potential space are handled # Decrease the y speed # TODO 1 # Emit signal when a pipe is passed # TODO 3 # Update the position with the new x and y speed position += Vector2(speed, speed_y * speed) # Rotate the bird update_rotation() # Rotate the bird func update_rotation(): rotation = atan(speed_y / speed) # We want to trigger this function when the bird hits a tower # Connect the function with the Area2D signal 'body_entered(body: Node2D)' # Do this by pressing on the Area2D, go to the 'Node' tab on the right side and right clicking on the desired signal. func _on_Player_body_entered(_body): # Set the right variables and emit the right signals so the game restarts # TODO 2