* 'master' of github.com:ZeusWPI/blokmap: updated location bytes and books melle forgot about christmas
577 lines
21 KiB
577 lines
21 KiB
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.726759, 51.045660]
"properties": {
"name": "Studentenrestaurant De Brug",
"address": "Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 45",
"capacity": 700,
"period": { "start": "4/01/2015", "end": "22/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u - 21u30",
"tuesday": "8u - 21u30",
"wednesday": "8u - 21u30",
"thursday": "8u - 21u30",
"friday": "8u - 21u30",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "2 aparte zaaltjes doorlopend beschikbaar (120 plaatsen).</br> Restaurant (1ste en 2de verdieping) gesloten tussen 11u15 en 14u en na 17u. <strong>Gesloten op 8/01</strong>.",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.728294, 51.039980]
"properties": {
"name": "Studentenrestaurant Kantienberg",
"address": "Stalhof 45",
"capacity": 300,
"period": { "start": "19/12/2015", "end": "24/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": false,
"tuesday": false,
"wednesday": false,
"thursday": false,
"friday": false,
"saturday": "8u30 - 22u",
"sunday": "8u30 - 22u"
"extra": "Enkel weekend en feestdagen, Registratie noodzakelijk! Registreer <a href=\"http://student.UGent.be/blok_kantien/\">hier</a> iedere zondag om 20u.</br>Vanaf 9u kunnen studenten zonder registratie toegang krijgen. <strong>Op 24/12 en 31/12 open tot 16u.</strong>",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.724770, 51.045507 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, faculteitsbibliotheek, vleugels Magnel & Loveling",
"address": "Rozier 44",
"capacity": 580,
"period": { "start": "16/11/2015", "end": "29/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 20u¹",
"tuesday": "9u - 20u¹",
"wednesday": "9u - 20u¹",
"thursday": "9u - 20u",
"friday": "9u - 17u²",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor iedereen. Vleugel Magnel bevat 242 werkplekken. De nieuwe vleugel Loveling bevat 338 werkplekken. <strong>Gesloten in de weekends en vanaf 24/12 tot en met 3/01. </strong></br>¹: Gewijzigde openingsuren van 21 tot en met 23/12/2015: open van 9u tot 17u. </br>²: Op vrijdag 22/1/2016 open van 9u tot 12u. </br><a href=\"http://www.flw.ugent.be/bibliotheek\">Ga naar de website</a>.",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.725235, 51.044131]
"properties": {
"name": "Blok@Blandijn",
"address": "Rozier 44",
"capacity": 100,
"period": { "start": "14/12/2015", "end": "28/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u - 19u",
"tuesday": "8u - 19u",
"wednesday": "8u - 19u",
"thursday": "8u - 19u",
"friday": "8u - 19u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor iedereen. Leslokalen 090.034 - 090.036 - 090.038 (kelder) en 110.046 (1e verdiep). <strong>Gesloten van 25/12/2015 tot en met 3/01/2016.</strong>",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.724090, 51.051192 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Faculteit Rechten, faculteitsbibliotheek",
"address": "Universiteitstraat 4, verdieping 1",
"capacity": 235,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u30 - 19u",
"tuesday": "8u30 - 19u",
"wednesday": "8u30 - 19u",
"thursday": "8u30 - 19u",
"friday": "8u30 - 18u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor iedereen. <strong>Gesloten om 12u vanaf 24/12 tot en met 3/01</strong>.</br><a href=\"http://www.ugent.be/re/nl/diensten/bibliotheek\">Ga naar de website</a>." ,
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.708577, 51.053446 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen, faculteitsbibliotheek.",
"address": "Coupure 653",
"capacity": 68,
"period": { "start": "14/12/2015", "end": "28/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 19u¹",
"tuesday": "9u - 19u¹",
"wednesday": "9u - 19u¹",
"thursday": "9u - 19u¹",
"friday": "9u - 19u¹",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "<strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong></br> ¹: tussen 21/12 tot 24/12 gesloten om 17u.</br><a href=\"http://lib.ugent.be/en/libraries/ALLW\">Ga naar de website</a>.",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.70700, 51.053446 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen, Resto Agora.",
"address": "Coupure 653",
"capacity": 400,
"period": { "start": "14/12/2015", "end": "28/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "14u - 20u",
"tuesday": "14u - 20u",
"wednesday": "14u - 20u",
"thursday": "14u - 20u",
"friday": "14u - 20u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "<strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong>",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.727543, 51.042857 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.",
"address": "Tweekerkenstraat 2",
"capacity": 215,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u30 - 22u",
"tuesday": "8u30 - 22u",
"wednesday": "8u30 - 22u",
"thursday": "8u30 - 22u",
"friday": "8u30 - 17u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "<strong>Gesloten vanaf 24/12 tot en met 3/01. Van 21/12 tot en met 23/12 slechts open tot 17u.</strong></br><a href=\"http://www.ugent.be/eb/nl/diensten/faculteitsbibliotheek-ebib/\">Ga naar de website</a>.",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.727952, 51.044599]
"properties": {
"name": "Blok@Therminal",
"address": "Hoveniersberg 24",
"capacity": 300,
"period": { "start": "18/12/2015", "end": "30/01/2015" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u30 - 24u",
"tuesday": "8u30 - 24u",
"wednesday": "8u30 - 24u",
"thursday": "8u30 - 24u¹",
"friday": "8u30 - 24u",
"saturday": "8u30 - 24u",
"sunday": "8u30 - 24u"
"extra": "Registratie week op voorhand noodzakelijk! Registreer <a href=\"http://student.UGent.be/blok/\">hier</a> iedere zondag om 19u. Vanaf 9u kunnen studenten zonder registratie toegang krijgen.<strong> Gesloten op 25/12 en 01/01.</br>¹: Op 24/12 en 31/12 gesloten om 16u.</strong>",
"type": "UGent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.702897, 51.031507]
"properties": {
"name": "BYTES & BOOKS @ gebouw D",
"address": "Openleercentrum campus Schoonmeersen",
"capacity": 444,
"period": { "start": "14/12/2015", "end": "29/01/2015" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u - 21u45",
"tuesday": "8u - 21u45",
"wednesday": "8u - 21u45",
"thursday": "8u - 21u45",
"friday": "8u - 16u45",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten op feestdagen, weekends. Op 21,22,23/12 en 28,29,30/12: 8u - 16u45</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.702000, 51.031507]
"properties": {
"name": "Resto gebouw D",
"address": "Openleercentrum campus Schoonmeersen",
"capacity": 250,
"period": { "start": "21/12/2015", "end": "24/01/2015" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u - 18u",
"tuesday": "8u - 18u",
"wednesday": "8u - 18u",
"thursday": "8u - 18u",
"friday": "8u - 18u",
"saturday": "8u - 18u",
"sunday": "8u - 18u"
"extra": "<strong>Enkel open in de periode voor kerstmis (21/12, 22/12, 23/12 & 24/12) en Nieuwjaar (28/12, 29/12, 30/12 & 1/1) plus de weekends van januari. Op 24/12 en 31/12 gesloten vanaf 12u</strong>. Alleen beschikbaar voor studenten met een campuskaart Schoonmeersen",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.727288, 51.020373 ]
"properties": {
"address": "Keramiekstraat 80",
"capacity": 38,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 18u",
"tuesday": "9u - 18u",
"wednesday": "9u - 18u",
"thursday": "9u - 18u",
"friday": "9u - 17u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten tijdens kerstvakantie (23/12-3/01).</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.724278, 51.036589]
"properties": {
"name": "BYTES & BOOKS LERA",
"address": "K.L. Ledeganckstraat 8",
"capacity": 110,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u15 - 18u",
"tuesday": "8u15 - 18u",
"wednesday": "8u15 - 18u",
"thursday": "8u15 - 18u",
"friday": "8u15 - 18u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.726827, 51.019702]
"properties": {
"address": "Keramiekstraat 80",
"capacity": 58,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 17u",
"tuesday": "9u - 18u",
"wednesday": "9u - 11u30 </br> 12u15 - 17u",
"thursday": "9u - 18u",
"friday": "9u - 17u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.718445, 51.045588]
"properties": {
"address": "J. Kluyskensstraat 2",
"capacity": 44,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false},
"hours": {
"monday": "8u30 - 17u",
"tuesday": "8u30 - 17u",
"wednesday": "8u30 - 17u",
"thursday": "8u30 - 17u",
"friday": "9u - 16u30",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.786580, 51.014401]
"properties": {
"name": "BYTES & BOOKS MELLE",
"address": "Brusselsesteenweg 161",
"capacity": 50,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false},
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 12u30</br>13u - 17u",
"tuesday": "8u - 12u30<br/>13u - 17u",
"wednesday": "9u - 12u30</br>13u - 17u",
"thursday": "8u - 12u</br>12u30 - 17u",
"friday": "8u - 12u</br>12u30 - 17u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten. <strong>Gesloten vanaf 25/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong>",
"type": "hogent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.728505, 51.040832]
"properties": {
"name": "Mediatheek campus Kantienberg",
"address": "Voetweg 66",
"capacity": 190,
"period": { "start": "21/12/2015", "end": "28/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "9u - 17u",
"tuesday": "9u - 17u",
"wednesday": "9u - 17u",
"thursday": "9u - 17u",
"friday": "9u - 16u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Toegankelijk voor alle Gentse studenten, <strong>gesloten vanaf 23/12 tot en met 3/01.</strong> Geen parkeermogelijkheden op het terrein. 40 stille plaatsen.",
"type": "Arteveldehogeschool"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 3.728544, 51.051602 ]
"properties": {
"name": "Bibliotheek",
"address": "Reep 1",
"capacity": 25,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false },
"hours": {
"monday": "10u - 12u<br />13u - 17u",
"tuesday": "10u - 12u<br />13u - 17u",
"wednesday": "10u - 12u",
"thursday": "10u - 12u<br />13u - 17u",
"friday": "10u - 12u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "<strong>Gesloten vanaf 15u op 24/12 tot en met 1/01/2016</strong></br><a href=\"http://www.vlerick.be/library\">Ga naar de website</a>.",
"type": "vlerick"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.708694, 51.061123]
"properties": {
"name": "Bibliotheek",
"address": "Gebr. Desmetstraat 1",
"capacity": 75,
"period": { "start": "4/01/2016", "end": "29/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "8u30 - 17u30",
"tuesday": "8u30 - 17u30",
"wednesday": "8u30 - 17u30",
"thursday": "8u30 - 17u30",
"friday": "9u - 16u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"type": "Odisee",
"extra": false
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.7278144,51.0513118]
"properties": {
"name": "Bibliotheek",
"address": "Reep 1",
"capacity": 25,
"period": { "start": false, "end": false},
"hours": {
"monday": "10u - 12u</br>13u - 17u",
"tuesday": "10u - 12u</br>13u - 17u",
"wednesday": "10u - 12u",
"thursday": "10u - 12u</br>13u - 17u",
"friday": "10u - 12u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"type": "Odisee",
"extra": "<strong>Gesloten vanaf 15u op 24/12 tot en met 1/01/2016.</strong></br><a href=\"http://www.vlerick.be/library\">Ga naar de website</a>."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.726730, 51.042146]
"properties": {
"name": "Sint-Pietersabdij Monikkenzolder",
"address": "Sint-Pietersplein 9",
"capacity": 60,
"period": { "start": "16/12/2015", "end": "30/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": false,
"tuesday": "10u - 18u",
"wednesday": "10u - 18u",
"thursday": "10u - 18u",
"friday": "10u - 18u",
"saturday": "10u - 18u",
"sunday": "10u - 18u"
"extra": false,
"type": "Stad Gent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.731393, 51.047282]
"properties": {
"name": "Openbare Bibliotheek Zuid Achilles Musschezaal",
"address": "Graaf van Vlaanderenplein 40",
"capacity": 100,
"period": { "start": "24/11/2015", "end": "23/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "10u - 18u45",
"tuesday": "10u - 18u45",
"wednesday": "10u - 18u45",
"thursday": "10u - 18u45",
"friday": "8u30 - 16u45",
"saturday": "8u30 - 16u45",
"sunday": false
"extra": "<strong>De Achilles Musschezaal is niet beschikbaar op do 3/12, di 8/12 en do 7/01. Zowel de bib als de zaal zijn gesloten op 25/12,26/12 en op 1/01,2/01.</strong></br><a href=\"https://www.gent.be/bibliotheek/aanbod-voorscholen/hoger-onderwijs/studeren-bibliotheek-zuid\">Ga naar de website</a>.",
"type": "Stad Gent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.7242948, 51.0561908]
"properties": {
"name": "Jeugddienst Gent",
"address": "Kamerstraat 10",
"capacity": 20,
"period": { "start": "20/12/2015", "end": "24/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": false,
"tuesday": false,
"wednesday": false,
"thursday": false,
"friday": false,
"saturday": "9u - 18u",
"sunday": "9u - 18u"
"extra": "<strong>Enkel open tijdens de kerstvakantie en weekends. Op 21,22 en 23/12 gesloten om 17u. Gesloten op 24, 25, 26/12 en op 31/12, 1/01 en 2/01.</strong>",
"type": "Stad Gent"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [3.717077, 51.064869]
"properties": {
"name": "Minus One",
"address": "Opgeëistenlaan 455",
"capacity": 40,
"period": { "start": "6/01/2016", "end": "29/01/2016" },
"hours": {
"monday": "10u - 18u",
"tuesday": "10u - 18u",
"wednesday": "10u - 18u",
"thursday": "10u - 18u",
"friday": "10u - 18u",
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false
"extra": "Eenmalige registratie ter plaatse. ",
"type": "Stad Gent"