diff --git a/i3/config b/i3/config index d1fab07..4531040 100644 --- a/i3/config +++ b/i3/config @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ bindsym $mod+KP_Enter exec $term bindsym Ctrl+Mod4+t exec --no-startup-id "notify-send -a 'i3' -u normal 'You'\''re on i3, $usertitle.' 'Don'\''t try to Ctrl+Alt+T me. Use $mod+Enter like a real $usertype.'" bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+t exec --no-startup-id "notify-send -a 'i3' -u normal 'You'\''re on i3, $usertitle.' 'Don'\''t try to Ctrl+Alt+T me. Use $mod+Enter like a real $usertype.'" # start a terminal and execute the command `exec-with-shortcut` from your PATH in it -bindsym XF86Calculator exec "$termexec -e bash -c 'exec-with-shortcut; zsh'" +bindsym XF86Calculator exec "$termexec -T exec-with-shortcut --dynamic-title-mode=none -x bash -c 'exec-with-shortcut; read'" # start web browser set $browser TZ=UTC firefox @@ -451,6 +451,7 @@ for_window [class="Nextcloud" instance="nextcloud"] floating disable for_window [class="Xfce4-settings-manager"] floating disable for_window [title="^openBVE$"] floating disable for_window [class="^Gramps$"] floating disable +for_window [title="^exec-with-shortcut$"] floating enable # class border backgr. text indicator child_border client.focused #422a15 #422a15 #ffffff #f42e9e #552877