#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail #ssh_agent_file="/run/user/$EUID/ssh-agent-session" #if pgrep -u "$USER" ssh-agent > /dev/null && [[ -f "$ssh_agent_file" ]]; then # source "$ssh_agent_file" # if ! ssh-add -D; then # notify-send -u normal -i lock -a i3 'Failed to clear SSH key cache' 'ssh-add had a non-zero exit code.' # fi #else # notify-send -u normal -i lock -a i3 'No SSH agent running' 'No running SSH agent detected, so not clearing the key cache.' #fi if ! gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye; then : # notify-send -u normal -i lock -a i3 'Failed to clear GPG key cache' 'gpg-connect-agent had a non-zero exit code.' fi if ! i3lock --tiling --lock-console --show-failed-attempts --color=000000 --image="$HOME/.config/i3/background_lock"; then exec i3lock fi