directory: ~/mus library: ~/.local/share/beets/library.db asciify_paths: yes import: log: ~/.log/beets/import.log # imported directories are recorded and these are skipped on later imports incremental: yes # record skipped directories in the incremental list incremental_skip_later: yes # move files into the library directory when using beet import move: yes # ask for confirmation on every autotagging match timid: yes musicbrainz: searchlimit: 10 # yes: set to release date of “release group” # no: … of “release” original_date: yes # provided by plugin “rewrite” rewrite: 'artist ^!!!$': 'Chk Chk Chk' 'album ^★$': 'Blackstar' 'title ^★$': 'Blackstar' replace: '[#"()\[\]<>:\*\|{}\\!\?]': _ "'": _ '[\\/]': _ '[\.,;]': _ '[\x00-\x1f]': _ 'Samson & Gert': 'Samson_en_Gert' '\$': 'S' '&': '_and_' '\+': '_plus_' '\s+': _ '[-_]+': _ '^[-_](?!$)': '' '(? 1 paths: default: %the{$albumartist}/%the{$album}%aunique{}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}_}_${track}_-_$title singleton: %the{$artist}/etc/$title comp: various_artists/%the{$album}%aunique{}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}_}_${track}_-_$title va_name: various artists languages: ["nl", "en"] bell: yes plugins: - acousticbrainz - badfiles - edit - fetchart - fromfilename - fuzzy - info - inline - lastgenre - lyrics - mbsubmit - mbsync - mpdupdate - permissions - play - replaygain - rewrite - scrub - the - types # acousticbrainz: badfiles: commands: ogg: oggz-validate opus: opusinfo edit: itemfields: track disc title artist album mb_trackid albumfields: album albumartist disctotal year country mb_albumid fetchart: maxwidth: 500 enforce_ratio: 25% sources: filesystem coverart albumart wikipedia # fromfilename: fuzzy: prefix: ':' # info: # inline: lastgenre: source: track # lyrics: # mbsubmit: # mbsync: mpd: host: localhost port: 6600 permissions: file: 644 dir: 755 play: command: mpv --vid=no --shuffle replaygain: backend: gstreamer the: strip: yes # this string is split on spaces so we use the escape sequence patterns: '^(de|het|een|une?|les?|la|der|die|das)\x20' types: rating: float # vim: set ft=yaml et sw=2 ts=2 :