#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import socket import struct import json import traceback import time from typing import List MSGTYPE_GET_WORKSPACES = 1 MSGTYPE_SUBSCRIBE = 2 MSGTYPE_GET_BINDING_STATE = 12 MSGTYPE_EVENT_WORKSPACE = 0x80000000 MSGTYPE_EVENT_MODE = 0x80000002 magic = b"i3-ipc" msg_header = struct.Struct("II") s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) SWAYSOCK = os.getenvb(b"SWAYSOCK") if not SWAYSOCK: while True: # print("\n".join(result), flush=True) print("sway_running|bool|false\n", flush=True) time.sleep(60 * 60 * 60) s.connect(SWAYSOCK) def recv(): reply_magic = s.recv(6) assert reply_magic == magic reply_header = s.recv(msg_header.size) reply_length, reply_type = msg_header.unpack(reply_header) reply_payload = s.recv(reply_length) return reply_type, reply_payload def msg(msg_type: int, payload: bytes): global s message = ( magic + msg_header.pack(len(payload), msg_type) + payload ) n_sent_bytes = s.send(message) assert n_sent_bytes == len(message) def subscribe(types: List[str]): msg(MSGTYPE_SUBSCRIBE, json.dumps(types).encode("utf-8")) reply = recv() success = json.loads(reply[1])["success"] if not success: raise Exception("Could not subscribe") def format_workspaces(workspaces): result = [] last_output = None i = 0 for i, ws in enumerate(sorted( workspaces, key=lambda x: ("" if x["output"] == "eDP-1" else x["output"], x["num"], x["name"]) )): name = ws["name"] new_monitor = last_output is not None and last_output != ws["output"] last_output = ws["output"] state = ( "focused" if ws["focused"] else "visible" if ws["visible"] else "" ) result.append(f"ws{i}|string|{ws['name']}") result.append(f"ws{i}_state|string|{state}") result.append(f"ws{i}_new_monitor|bool|{'true' if new_monitor else 'false'}") while i <= 11: result.append(f"ws{i}|string|") result.append(f"ws{i}_state|string|unused") result.append(f"ws{i}_new_monitor|bool|false") i += 1 return "\n".join(result) msg(MSGTYPE_GET_BINDING_STATE, b'') state_mode = json.loads(recv()[1])["name"] msg(MSGTYPE_GET_WORKSPACES, b'') state_workspaces = json.loads(recv()[1]) def print_state(): global state_workspaces global state_mode print(f"""{format_workspaces(state_workspaces)} mode|string|{state_mode} sway_running|bool|true """, flush=True) print_state() subscribe(["workspace", "mode"]) while True: try: item_type, item = recv() if item_type == MSGTYPE_GET_WORKSPACES: state_workspaces = json.loads(item) print_state() elif item_type == MSGTYPE_EVENT_WORKSPACE: msg(MSGTYPE_GET_WORKSPACES, b'') elif item_type == MSGTYPE_EVENT_MODE: state_mode = json.loads(item)["change"] print_state() else: print(f"Unhandled message of type 0x{item_type:x}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) except: traceback.print_exc()