2023-07-15 18:04:30 +02:00
import known_layers from "../src/assets/generated/known_layers.json"
import { LayerConfigJson } from "../src/Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayerConfigJson"
import { TagUtils } from "../src/Logic/Tags/TagUtils"
import { Utils } from "../src/Utils"
2024-05-13 17:21:40 +02:00
import { existsSync , readFileSync , writeFileSync } from "fs"
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils"
2023-12-04 16:10:05 +01:00
import TagRenderingConfig from "../src/Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig"
import { And } from "../src/Logic/Tags/And"
2024-05-13 17:21:40 +02:00
import Script from "./Script"
import NameSuggestionIndex , { NSIItem } from "../src/Logic/Web/NameSuggestionIndex"
import TagInfo , { TagInfoStats } from "../src/Logic/Web/TagInfo"
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
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class Utilities {
static mapValues < X extends string | number , T , TOut > ( record : Record < X , T > , f : ( ( t : T ) = > TOut ) ) : Record < X , TOut > {
const newR = < Record < X , TOut > > { }
for ( const x in record ) {
newR [ x ] = f ( record [ x ] )
return newR
class GenerateStats extends Script {
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
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async createOptimizationFile ( includeTags = true ) {
ScriptUtils . fixUtils ( )
const layers = < LayerConfigJson [ ] > known_layers . layers
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const keysAndTags = new Map < string , Set < string > > ( )
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for ( const layer of layers ) {
if ( layer . source [ "geoJson" ] !== undefined && ! layer . source [ "isOsmCache" ] ) {
if ( layer . source == null || typeof layer . source === "string" ) {
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
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const sourcesList = [ TagUtils . Tag ( layer . source [ "osmTags" ] ) ]
if ( layer ? . title ) {
sourcesList . push ( . . . new TagRenderingConfig ( layer . title ) . usedTags ( ) )
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const sources = new And ( sourcesList )
const allKeys = sources . usedKeys ( )
for ( const key of allKeys ) {
if ( ! keysAndTags . has ( key ) ) {
keysAndTags . set ( key , new Set < string > ( ) )
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const allTags = includeTags ? sources . usedTags ( ) : [ ]
for ( const tag of allTags ) {
if ( ! keysAndTags . has ( tag . key ) ) {
keysAndTags . set ( tag . key , new Set < string > ( ) )
keysAndTags . get ( tag . key ) . add ( tag . value )
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2024-05-13 17:21:40 +02:00
const keyTotal = new Map < string , number > ( )
const tagTotal = new Map < string , Map < string , number > > ( )
await Promise . all (
Array . from ( keysAndTags . keys ( ) ) . map ( async ( key ) = > {
const values = keysAndTags . get ( key )
const data = await Utils . downloadJson (
` https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/api/4/key/stats?key= ${ key } `
const count = data . data . find ( ( item ) = > item . type === "all" ) . count
keyTotal . set ( key , count )
console . log ( key , "-->" , count )
if ( values . size > 0 ) {
tagTotal . set ( key , new Map < string , number > ( ) )
await Promise . all (
Array . from ( values ) . map ( async ( value ) = > {
const tagData = await Utils . downloadJson (
` https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/api/4/tag/stats?key= ${ key } &value= ${ value } `
const count = tagData . data . find ( ( item ) = > item . type === "all" ) . count
tagTotal . get ( key ) . set ( value , count )
console . log ( key + "=" + value , "-->" , count )
} )
} )
writeFileSync (
"./src/assets/key_totals.json" ,
JSON . stringify (
"#" : "Generated with generateStats.ts" ,
date : new Date ( ) . toISOString ( ) ,
keys : Utils.MapToObj ( keyTotal , ( t ) = > t ) ,
tags : Utils.MapToObj ( tagTotal , ( v ) = > Utils . MapToObj ( v , ( t ) = > t ) )
} ,
null ,
" "
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
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2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
2024-05-13 17:21:40 +02:00
async createNameSuggestionIndexFile() {
const type = "brand"
let allBrands = < Record < string , Record < string , number > >> { }
const path = "./src/assets/generated/nsi_stats/" + type + ".json"
if ( existsSync ( path ) ) {
allBrands = JSON . parse ( readFileSync ( path , "utf8" ) )
console . log ( "Loaded" , Object . keys ( allBrands ) . length , " previously loaded brands" )
let lastWrite = new Date ( )
const allBrandNames : string [ ] = NameSuggestionIndex . allPossible ( type )
for ( const brand of allBrandNames ) {
if ( allBrands [ brand ] !== undefined ) {
console . log ( "Skipping" , brand , ", already loaded" )
2022-09-08 21:40:48 +02:00
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const distribution : Record < string , number > = Utilities . mapValues ( await TagInfo . getGlobalDistributionsFor ( type , brand ) , s = > s . data . find ( t = > t . type === "all" ) . count )
allBrands [ brand ] = distribution
if ( ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - lastWrite . getTime ( ) ) / 1000 >= 5 ) {
writeFileSync ( path , JSON . stringify ( allBrands ) , "utf8" )
console . log ( "Checkpointed" , path )
writeFileSync ( path , JSON . stringify ( allBrands ) , "utf8" )
constructor ( ) {
super ( "Downloads stats on osmSource-tags and keys from tagInfo. There are two usecases with separate outputs:\n 1. To optimize the query before sending it to overpass (generates ./src/assets/key_totals.json) \n 2. To amend the Name Suggestion Index " )
async main ( _ : string [ ] ) {
// this.createOptimizationFile()
await this . createNameSuggestionIndexFile ( )
2022-03-13 01:27:19 +01:00
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new GenerateStats ( ) . run ( )