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Tags format
When creating the `json` file describing your layer or theme, you'll have to add a few tags to describe what you want. This document gives an overview of what every expression means and how it behaves in edge cases.
Strict equality
Strict equality is denoted by `key=value`. This key matches __only if__ the keypair is present exactly as stated.
**Only normal tags (eventually in an `and`) can be used in places where they are uploaded**. Normal tags are used in the `mappings` of a [TagRendering] (unless `hideInAnswer` is specified), they are used in `addExtraTags` of [Freeform] and are used in the `tags`-list of a preset.
If a different kind of tag specification is given, your theme will fail to parse.
### If key is not present
If you want to check if a key is not present, use `key=` (pronounce as *key is empty*). A tag collection will match this if `key` is missing or if `key` is a literal empty value.
### Removing a key
If a key should be deleted in the OpenStreetMap-database, specify `key=` as well. This can be used e.g. to remove a fixme or value from another mapping if another field is filled out.
Strict not equals
To check if a key does _not_ equal a certain value, use `key!=value`. This is converted behind the scenes to `key!~^value$`
### If key is present
This implies that, to check if a key is present, `key!=` can be used. This will only match if the key is present and not empty.
Regex equals
A tag can also be tested against a regex with `key~regex`. Note that this regex __must match__ the entire value. If the value is allowed to appear anywhere as substring, use `key~.*regex.*`
Equivalently, `key!~regex` can be used if you _don't_ want to match the regex in order to appear.