2022-01-21 01:57:16 +01:00
import { Conversion , DesugaringContext , DesugaringStep , Fuse , OnEvery , OnEveryConcat , SetDefault } from "./Conversion" ;
import { LayoutConfigJson } from "../Json/LayoutConfigJson" ;
import { PrepareLayer } from "./PrepareLayer" ;
import { LayerConfigJson } from "../Json/LayerConfigJson" ;
import { Utils } from "../../../Utils" ;
import Constants from "../../Constants" ;
import { AllKnownLayouts } from "../../../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts" ;
import CreateNoteImportLayer from "./CreateNoteImportLayer" ;
import LayerConfig from "../LayerConfig" ;
import { TagRenderingConfigJson } from "../Json/TagRenderingConfigJson" ;
import { Translation } from "../../../UI/i18n/Translation" ;
import { SubstitutedTranslation } from "../../../UI/SubstitutedTranslation" ;
import DependencyCalculator from "../DependencyCalculator" ;
2022-01-21 02:25:56 +01:00
import Translations from "../../../UI/i18n/Translations" ;
2022-01-21 01:57:16 +01:00
class SubstituteLayer extends Conversion < ( string | LayerConfigJson ) , LayerConfigJson [ ] > {
constructor ( ) {
super ( "Converts the identifier of a builtin layer into the actual layer, or converts a 'builtin' syntax with override in the fully expanded form" , [ ] ) ;
convert ( state : DesugaringContext , json : string | LayerConfigJson , context : string ) : { result : LayerConfigJson [ ] ; errors : string [ ] ; warnings : string [ ] } {
const errors = [ ]
const warnings = [ ]
if ( typeof json === "string" ) {
const found = state . sharedLayers . get ( json )
if ( found === undefined ) {
return {
result : null ,
errors : [ context + ": The layer with name " + json + " was not found as a builtin layer" ] ,
return {
result : [ found ] ,
errors , warnings
if ( json [ "builtin" ] !== undefined ) {
let names = json [ "builtin" ]
if ( typeof names === "string" ) {
names = [ names ]
const layers = [ ]
for ( const name of names ) {
const found = Utils . Clone ( state . sharedLayers . get ( name ) )
if ( found === undefined ) {
errors . push ( context + ": The layer with name " + json + " was not found as a builtin layer" )
if ( json [ "override" ] [ "tagRenderings" ] !== undefined && ( found [ "tagRenderings" ] ? ? [ ] ) . length > 0 ) {
errors . push ( ` At ${ context } : when overriding a layer, an override is not allowed to override into tagRenderings. Use "+tagRenderings" or "tagRenderings+" instead to prepend or append some questions. ` )
try {
Utils . Merge ( json [ "override" ] , found ) ;
layers . push ( found )
} catch ( e ) {
errors . push ( ` At ${ context } : could not apply an override due to: ${ e } . \ nThe override is: ${ JSON . stringify ( json [ "override" ] , ) } ` )
return {
result : layers ,
errors , warnings
return {
result : [ json ] ,
errors , warnings
} ;
class AddDefaultLayers extends DesugaringStep < LayoutConfigJson > {
constructor ( ) {
super ( "Adds the default layers, namely: " + Constants . added_by_default . join ( ", " ) , [ "layers" ] ) ;
convert ( state : DesugaringContext , json : LayoutConfigJson , context : string ) : { result : LayoutConfigJson ; errors : string [ ] ; warnings : string [ ] } {
const errors = [ ]
const warnings = [ ]
json . layers = [ . . . json . layers ]
if ( json . id === "personal" ) {
json . layers = [ ]
for ( const publicLayer of AllKnownLayouts . AllPublicLayers ( ) ) {
const id = publicLayer . id
const config = state . sharedLayers . get ( id )
if ( Constants . added_by_default . indexOf ( id ) >= 0 ) {
continue ;
if ( config === undefined ) {
// This is a layer which is coded within a public theme, not as separate .json
json . layers . push ( config )
const publicIds = AllKnownLayouts . AllPublicLayers ( ) . map ( l = > l . id )
publicIds . map ( id = > state . sharedLayers . get ( id ) )
for ( const layerName of Constants . added_by_default ) {
const v = state . sharedLayers . get ( layerName )
if ( v === undefined ) {
errors . push ( "Default layer " + layerName + " not found" )
json . layers . push ( v )
return {
result : json ,
errors ,
} ;
class AddImportLayers extends DesugaringStep < LayoutConfigJson > {
constructor ( ) {
super ( "For every layer in the 'layers'-list, create a new layer which'll import notes. (Note that priviliged layers and layers which have a geojson-source set are ignored)" , [ "layers" ] ) ;
convert ( state : DesugaringContext , json : LayoutConfigJson , context : string ) : { result : LayoutConfigJson ; errors : string [ ] ; warnings : string [ ] } {
const errors = [ ]
const warnings = [ ]
json = { . . . json }
const allLayers : LayerConfigJson [ ] = < LayerConfigJson [ ] > json . layers ;
json . layers = [ . . . json . layers ]
const creator = new CreateNoteImportLayer ( )
for ( let i1 = 0 ; i1 < allLayers . length ; i1 ++ ) {
const layer = allLayers [ i1 ] ;
if ( Constants . priviliged_layers . indexOf ( layer . id ) >= 0 ) {
// Priviliged layers are skipped
if ( layer . source [ "geoJson" ] !== undefined ) {
// Layer which don't get their data from OSM are skipped
if ( layer . title === undefined || layer . name === undefined ) {
// Anonymous layers and layers without popup are skipped
if ( layer . presets === undefined || layer . presets . length == 0 ) {
// A preset is needed to be able to generate a new point
continue ;
try {
const importLayerResult = creator . convert ( state , layer , context + ".(noteimportlayer)[" + i1 + "]" )
errors . push ( . . . importLayerResult . errors )
warnings . push ( . . . importLayerResult . warnings )
if ( importLayerResult . result !== undefined ) {
warnings . push ( "Added an import layer to theme " + json . id + ", namely " + importLayerResult . result . id )
json . layers . push ( importLayerResult . result )
} catch ( e ) {
errors . push ( "Could not generate an import-layer for " + layer . id + " due to " + e )
return {
errors ,
warnings ,
result : json
} ;
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export class AddMiniMap extends DesugaringStep < LayerConfigJson > {
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constructor ( ) {
super ( "Adds a default 'minimap'-element to the tagrenderings if none of the elements define such a minimap" , [ "tagRenderings" ] ) ;
/ * *
* Returns true if this tag rendering has a minimap in some language .
* Note : this minimap can be hidden by conditions
* /
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public static hasMinimap ( renderingConfig : TagRenderingConfigJson ) : boolean {
const translations : Translation [ ] = Utils . NoNull ( [ renderingConfig . render , . . . ( renderingConfig . mappings ? ? [ ] ) . map ( m = > m . then ) ] )
. map ( Translations . T ) ;
2022-01-21 01:57:16 +01:00
for ( const translation of translations ) {
for ( const key in translation . translations ) {
if ( ! translation . translations . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
const template = translation . translations [ key ]
const parts = SubstitutedTranslation . ExtractSpecialComponents ( template )
const hasMiniMap = parts . filter ( part = > part . special !== undefined ) . some ( special = > special . special . func . funcName === "minimap" )
if ( hasMiniMap ) {
return true ;
return false ;
convert ( state : DesugaringContext , layerConfig : LayerConfigJson , context : string ) : { result : LayerConfigJson ; errors : string [ ] ; warnings : string [ ] } {
const hasMinimap = layerConfig . tagRenderings ? . some ( tr = > AddMiniMap . hasMinimap ( < TagRenderingConfigJson > tr ) ) ? ? true
if ( ! hasMinimap ) {
layerConfig = { . . . layerConfig }
layerConfig . tagRenderings = [ . . . layerConfig . tagRenderings ]
layerConfig . tagRenderings . push ( state . tagRenderings . get ( "minimap" ) )
return {
errors : [ ] ,
warnings : [ ] ,
result : layerConfig
} ;
class AddDependencyLayersToTheme extends DesugaringStep < LayoutConfigJson > {
constructor ( ) {
super ( "If a layer has a dependency on another layer, these layers are added automatically on the theme. (For example: defibrillator depends on 'walls_and_buildings' to snap onto. This layer is added automatically)" , [ "layers" ] ) ;
private static CalculateDependencies ( alreadyLoaded : LayerConfigJson [ ] , allKnownLayers : Map < string , LayerConfigJson > , themeId : string ) : LayerConfigJson [ ] {
const dependenciesToAdd : LayerConfigJson [ ] = [ ]
const loadedLayerIds : Set < string > = new Set < string > ( alreadyLoaded . map ( l = > l . id ) ) ;
// Verify cross-dependencies
let unmetDependencies : { neededLayer : string , neededBy : string , reason : string , context? : string } [ ] = [ ]
do {
const dependencies : { neededLayer : string , reason : string , context? : string , neededBy : string } [ ] = [ ]
for ( const layerConfig of alreadyLoaded ) {
const layerDeps = DependencyCalculator . getLayerDependencies ( new LayerConfig ( layerConfig ) )
dependencies . push ( . . . layerDeps )
// During the generate script, builtin layers are verified but not loaded - so we have to add them manually here
// Their existance is checked elsewhere, so this is fine
unmetDependencies = dependencies . filter ( dep = > ! loadedLayerIds . has ( dep . neededLayer ) )
for ( const unmetDependency of unmetDependencies ) {
if ( loadedLayerIds . has ( unmetDependency . neededLayer ) ) {
const dep = allKnownLayers . get ( unmetDependency . neededLayer )
if ( dep === undefined ) {
const message =
[ "Loading a dependency failed: layer " + unmetDependency . neededLayer + " is not found, neither as layer of " + themeId + " nor as builtin layer." ,
"This layer is needed by " + unmetDependency . neededBy ,
unmetDependency . reason + " (at " + unmetDependency . context + ")" ,
"Loaded layers are: " + alreadyLoaded . map ( l = > l . id ) . join ( "," )
throw message . join ( "\n\t" ) ;
dependenciesToAdd . unshift ( dep )
loadedLayerIds . add ( dep . id ) ;
unmetDependencies = unmetDependencies . filter ( d = > d . neededLayer !== unmetDependency . neededLayer )
} while ( unmetDependencies . length > 0 )
return dependenciesToAdd ;
convert ( state : DesugaringContext , theme : LayoutConfigJson , context : string ) : { result : LayoutConfigJson ; errors : string [ ] ; warnings : string [ ] } {
const allKnownLayers : Map < string , LayerConfigJson > = state . sharedLayers ;
const knownTagRenderings : Map < string , TagRenderingConfigJson > = state . tagRenderings ;
const errors = [ ] ;
const warnings = [ ] ;
const layers : LayerConfigJson [ ] = < LayerConfigJson [ ] > theme . layers ; // Layers should be expanded at this point
knownTagRenderings . forEach ( ( value , key ) = > {
value . id = key ;
} )
const dependencies = AddDependencyLayersToTheme . CalculateDependencies ( layers , allKnownLayers , theme . id ) ;
if ( dependencies . length > 0 ) {
warnings . push ( context + ": added " + dependencies . map ( d = > d . id ) . join ( ", " ) + " to the theme as they are needed" )
layers . unshift ( . . . dependencies ) ;
return {
result : {
. . . theme ,
layers : layers
} ,
errors ,
} ;
export class PrepareTheme extends Fuse < LayoutConfigJson > {
constructor ( ) {
super (
"Fully prepares and expands a theme" ,
new OnEveryConcat ( "layers" , new SubstituteLayer ( ) ) ,
new SetDefault ( "socialImage" , "assets/SocialImage.png" , true ) ,
new AddDefaultLayers ( ) ,
new AddDependencyLayersToTheme ( ) ,
new OnEvery ( "layers" , new PrepareLayer ( ) ) ,
new AddImportLayers ( ) ,
new OnEvery ( "layers" , new AddMiniMap ( ) )
) ;