2021-11-07 17:17:48 +01:00
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs";
2022-05-17 01:46:59 +02:00
* Extracts the data from the scheme file and writes them in a flatter structure
2021-11-07 17:52:05 +01:00
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
interface JsonSchema {
description?: string,
type?: string,
properties?: any,
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
items?: JsonSchema,
2022-05-17 01:46:59 +02:00
allOf?: JsonSchema[],
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
anyOf: JsonSchema[],
enum: JsonSchema[],
"$ref": string
function WalkScheme<T>(
onEach: (schemePart: JsonSchema) => T,
scheme: JsonSchema,
fullScheme: JsonSchema & { definitions?: any } = undefined,
path: string[] = [],
isHandlingReference = []
): { path: string[], t: T }[] {
2022-05-17 01:46:59 +02:00
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
const results: { path: string[], t: T } [] = []
if (scheme === undefined) {
return []
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2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
if (scheme["$ref"] !== undefined) {
const ref = scheme["$ref"]
const prefix = "#/definitions/"
if (!ref.startsWith(prefix)) {
throw "References is not relative!"
const definitionName = ref.substr(prefix.length)
if (isHandlingReference.indexOf(definitionName) >= 0) {
const loadedScheme = fullScheme.definitions[definitionName]
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
return WalkScheme(onEach, loadedScheme, fullScheme, path, [...isHandlingReference, definitionName]);
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
fullScheme = fullScheme ?? scheme
var t = onEach(scheme)
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if (t !== undefined) {
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2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
function walk(v: JsonSchema) {
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
if (v === undefined) {
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
results.push(...WalkScheme(onEach, v, fullScheme, path, isHandlingReference))
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
function walkEach(scheme: JsonSchema[]) {
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
if (scheme === undefined) {
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2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
scheme.forEach(v => walk(v))
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2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
2022-05-17 01:46:59 +02:00
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
if (Array.isArray(scheme.items)) {
} else {
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
for (const key in scheme.properties) {
const prop = scheme.properties[key]
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
results.push(...WalkScheme(onEach, prop, fullScheme, [...path, key], isHandlingReference))
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
return results
2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
function extractMeta(typename: string, path: string) {
const themeSchema = JSON.parse(readFileSync("./Docs/Schemas/" + typename + ".schema.json", "UTF-8"))
const withTypes = WalkScheme((schemePart) => {
if (schemePart.description === undefined) {
const typeHint = schemePart.description.split("\n")
.find(line => line.trim().toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith("type:"))
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
const type = schemePart.items?.anyOf ?? schemePart.type ?? schemePart.anyOf;
2022-05-17 01:46:59 +02:00
return {typeHint, type, description: schemePart.description}
2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
}, themeSchema)
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
const paths = withTypes.map(({
}) => ({path, ...t}))
writeFileSync("./assets/" + path + ".json", JSON.stringify(paths, null, " "))
console.log("Written meta to ./assets/" + path)
2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
2021-11-07 17:52:05 +01:00
function main() {
const allSchemas = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync("./Docs/Schemas").filter(pth => pth.endsWith("JSC.ts"))
for (const path of allSchemas) {
const dir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))
const name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/"), path.length - "JSC.ts".length)
let content = readFileSync(path, "UTF-8")
content = content.substring("export default ".length)
let parsed = JSON.parse(content)
parsed["additionalProperties"] = false
for (const key in parsed.definitions) {
const def = parsed.definitions[key]
if (def.type === "object") {
def["additionalProperties"] = false
writeFileSync(dir + "/" + name + ".schema.json", JSON.stringify(parsed, null, " "), "UTF8")
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
2022-02-09 22:34:02 +01:00
extractMeta("LayoutConfigJson", "layoutconfigmeta")
extractMeta("TagRenderingConfigJson", "tagrenderingconfigmeta")
2022-02-28 17:17:38 +01:00
extractMeta("QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson", "questionabletagrenderingconfigmeta")
2022-01-31 00:39:54 +01:00
2021-11-07 17:52:05 +01:00