
183 lines
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import {Utils} from "../Utils";
import {lstatSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs";
import SmallLicense from "../Models/smallLicense";
Utils.runningFromConsole = true;
* Sweeps the entire 'assets/' (except assets/generated) directory for image files and any 'license_info.json'-file.
* Checks that the license info is included for each of them and generates a compiles license_info.json for those
function readDirRecSync(path): string[] {
const result = []
for (const entry of readdirSync(path)) {
const fullEntry = path + "/" + entry
const stats = lstatSync(fullEntry)
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
// Subdirectory
// @ts-ignore
} else {
return result;
function generateLicenseInfos(paths: string[]): SmallLicense[] {
const licenses = []
for (const path of paths) {
console.log("Reading info from " + path)
const parsed = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, "UTF-8"))
if (Array.isArray(parsed)) {
const l: SmallLicense[] = parsed
for (const smallLicens of l) {
smallLicens.path = path.substring(0, path.length - "license_info.json".length) + smallLicens.path
} else {
const smallLicens: SmallLicense = parsed;
smallLicens.path = path.substring(0, 1 + path.lastIndexOf("/")) + smallLicens.path
return licenses
function missingLicenseInfos(licenseInfos: SmallLicense[], allIcons: string[]) {
const missing = []
const knownPaths = new Set<string>()
for (const licenseInfo of licenseInfos) {
for (const iconPath of allIcons) {
if (iconPath.indexOf("license_info.json") >= 0) {
if (knownPaths.has(iconPath)) {
return missing;
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')();
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
const knownLicenses = new Map<string, SmallLicense>()
knownLicenses.set("cf", {
authors: ["Pieter Fiers", "Thibault Declercq", "Pierre Barban", "Joost Schouppe","Pieter Vander Vennet"],
path: undefined,
license: "CC-BY-SA",
sources: [""]
knownLicenses.set("me", {
authors: ["Pieter Vander Vennet"],
path : undefined,
license: "CC0",
sources: []
knownLicenses.set("t", {
authors: [],
path : undefined,
license: "CC0; trivial",
sources: []
knownLicenses.set("na", {
authors: [],
path : undefined,
license: "CC0",
sources: []
function promptLicenseFor(path): SmallLicense {
2021-04-09 00:19:32 +02:00
console.log("License abbreviations:")
knownLicenses.forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(key, " => ", value)
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
const author = prompt("What is the author for artwork " + path + "? (or: [Q]uit, [S]kip) > ")
path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
const license = knownLicenses.get(author);
license.path = path;
return license;
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
if(author == "s"){
return null;
if (author == "Q" || author == "q" || author == "") {
throw "Quitting now!"
2021-04-09 00:19:32 +02:00
let authors = author.split(";")
if(author.toLowerCase() == "none"){
authors = []
return {
authors: author.split(";"),
path: path,
license: prompt("What is the license for artwork " + path + "? > "),
sources: prompt("Where was this artwork found? > ").split(";")
function createLicenseInfoFor(path): void {
const li = promptLicenseFor(path);
if(li == null){
writeFileSync(path + ".license_info.json", JSON.stringify(li, null, " "))
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
function shuffle(array) {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
console.log("Checking and compiling license info")
const contents = readDirRecSync("./assets")
.filter(entry => entry.indexOf("./assets/generated") != 0)
const licensePaths = contents.filter(entry => entry.indexOf("license_info.json") >= 0)
const licenseInfos = generateLicenseInfos(licensePaths);
writeFileSync("./assets/generated/license_info.json", JSON.stringify(licenseInfos, null, " "))
const artwork = contents.filter(pth => pth.match(/(.svg|.png|.jpg)$/i) != null)
const missingLicenses = missingLicenseInfos(licenseInfos, artwork)
console.log(`There are ${missingLicenses.length} licenses missing.`)
2021-04-09 00:19:32 +02:00
// shuffle(missingLicenses)
2021-04-07 21:58:51 +02:00
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log("Aborting... Bye!");
let i = 1;
for (const missingLicens of missingLicenses) {
console.log(i + " / " + missingLicenses.length)