"description":"This question is not meant to be placed on an OpenStreetMap-element; however it is used in the user information panel to ask which license the user wants",
"en":"Under what license do you want to publish your pictures?"
"en":"Pictures you take will be licensed with <b>CC0</b> and added to the public domain. This means that everyone can use your pictures for any purpose. <span class='subtle'>This is the default choice.</span>"
"en":"Pictures you take will be licensed with <b>CC0</b> and added to the public domain. This means that everyone can use your pictures for any purpose."
"en":"Pictures you take will be licensed with <b>CC-BY-SA 4.0</b> which means that everyone using your picture must attribute you and that derivatives of your picture must be reshared with the same license."
"en":"A link to your Mastodon-profile has been been found: <a href='{_mastodon_link}' target='_blank'>{_mastodon_link}</a>"
"en":"We found a link to what looks to be a mastodon account, but it is unverified. <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/profile/edit' target='_blank'>Edit your profile description</a> and place the following there: <span class='code'><a href=\"{_mastodon_candidate}\" rel=\"me\">Mastodon</a>"