In a tagrendering, some special values are substituted by an advanced UI-element. This allows advanced features and visualizations to be reused by custom themes or even to query third-party API's. General usage is `{func_name()}`, `{func_name(arg, someotherarg)}` or `{func_name(args):cssStyle}`. Note that you _do not_ need to use quotes around your arguments, the comma is enough to separate them. This also implies you cannot use a comma in your args
Creates an image carousel for the given sources. An attempt will be made to guess what source is used. Supported: Wikidata identifiers, Wikipedia pages, Wikimedia categories, IMGUR (with attribution, direct links)
image key/prefix (multiple values allowed if comma-seperated) | image,mapillary,image,wikidata,wikimedia_commons,image,image | The keys given to the images, e.g. if <spanclass='literal-code'>image</span> is given, the first picture URL will be added as <spanclass='literal-code'>image</span>, the second as <spanclass='literal-code'>image:0</span>, the third as <spanclass='literal-code'>image:1</span>, etc...
`{wikipedia()}` is a basic example, `{wikipedia(name:etymology:wikidata)}` to show the wikipedia page of whom the feature was named after. Also remember that these can be styled, e.g. `{wikipedia():max-height: 10rem}` to limit the height
zoomlevel | 18 | The (maximum) zoomlevel: the target zoomlevel after fitting the entire feature. The minimap will fit the entire feature, then zoom out to this zoom level. The higher, the more zoomed in with 1 being the entire world and 19 being really close
idKey | id | (Matches all resting arguments) This argument should be the key of a property of the feature. The corresponding value is interpreted as either the id or the a list of ID's. The features with these ID's will be shown on this minimap.
A small map showing _only one side_ the selected feature. *This features requires to have linerenderings with offset* as only linerenderings with a postive or negative offset will be shown. Note: in most cases, this map will be automatically introduced
Adds an overview of the mangrove-reviews of this object. Mangrove.Reviews needs - in order to identify the reviewed object - a coordinate and a name. By default, the name of the object is given, but this can be overwritten
`{reviews()}` for a vanilla review, `{reviews(name, play_forest)}` to review a play forest. If a name is known, the name will be used as identifier, otherwise 'play_forest' is used
A normal opening hours table can be invoked with `{opening_hours_table()}`. A table for e.g. conditional access with opening hours can be `{opening_hours_table(access:conditional, no @ &LPARENS, &RPARENS)}`
Downloads a JSON from the given URL, e.g. '{live(, shorthand:x.y.z, other:a.b.c, shorthand)}' will download the given file, will create an object {shorthand: json[x][y][z], other: json[a][b][c] out of it and will return 'other' or 'json[a][b][c]. This is made to use in combination with tags, e.g. {live({url}, {url:format}, needed_value)}
This button will copy the data from an external dataset into OpenStreetMap. It is only functional in official themes but can be tested in unofficial themes.
Remark that the syntax is slightly different then expected; it uses '$' to note a value to copy, followed by a name (matched with `[a-zA-Z0-9_:]*`). Sadly, delimiting with `{}` as these already mark the boundaries of the special rendering...
targetLayer | _undefined_ | The id of the layer where this point should end up. This is not very strict, it will simply result in checking that this layer is shown preventing possible duplicate elements
Snap onto layer(s)/replace geometry with this other way | _undefined_ | - If the value corresponding with this key starts with 'way/' and the feature is a LineString or Polygon, the original OSM-way geometry will be changed to match the new geometry
- If a way of the given layer(s) is closeby, will snap the new point onto this way (similar as preset might snap). To show multiple layers to snap onto, use a `;`-seperated list
snap max distance | 5 | The maximum distance that this point will move to snap onto a layer (in meters)
autoapply | _undefined_ | A boolean indicating wether this tagging should be applied automatically if the relevant tags on this object are changed. A visual element indicating the multi_apply is still shown
overwrite | _undefined_ | If set to 'true', the tags on the other objects will always be overwritten. The default behaviour will be to only change the tags on other objects if they are either undefined or had the same value before the change
{multi_apply(_features_with_the_same_name_within_100m, name:etymology:wikidata;name:etymology, Apply etymology information on all nearby objects with the same name)}
Remark that the syntax is slightly different then expected; it uses '$' to note a value to copy, followed by a name (matched with `[a-zA-Z0-9_:]*`). Sadly, delimiting with `{}` as these already mark the boundaries of the special rendering...
id_of_object_to_apply_this_one | _undefined_ | If specified, applies the the tags onto _another_ object. The id will be read from properties[id_of_object_to_apply_this_one] of the selected object. The tags are still calculated based on the tags of the _selected_ element