2022-09-08 21:26:17 +02:00
import {Utils} from "./Utils";
import jsPDF, {Matrix} from "jspdf";
import "./assets/templates/Ubuntu-M-normal.js"
import "./assets/templates/Ubuntu-L-normal.js"
import "./assets/templates/UbuntuMono-B-bold.js"
class SvgToPdfInternals {
private readonly doc: jsPDF;
private readonly matrices: Matrix[] = []
private readonly matricesInverted: Matrix[] = []
private currentMatrix: Matrix;
private currentMatrixInverted: Matrix;
private readonly _images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement>;
constructor(advancedApi: jsPDF, images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement>) {
this.doc = advancedApi;
this._images = images;
this.currentMatrix = this.doc.unitMatrix;
this.currentMatrixInverted = this.doc.unitMatrix;
private applyMatrices(): void {
let multiplied = this.doc.unitMatrix;
let multipliedInv = this.doc.unitMatrix;
for (const matrix of this.matrices) {
multiplied = this.doc.matrixMult(multiplied, matrix)
for (const matrix of this.matricesInverted) {
multipliedInv = this.doc.matrixMult(multiplied, matrix)
this.currentMatrix = multiplied
this.currentMatrixInverted = multipliedInv
private addMatrix(m: Matrix) {
public setTransform(element: Element): boolean {
const t = element.getAttribute("transform")
if (t === null) {
return false;
const scaleMatch = t.match(/scale\(([-0-9.]*)\)/)
if (scaleMatch !== null) {
const s = Number(scaleMatch[1])
const m = this.doc.Matrix(1 / s, 0, 0, 1 / s, 0, 0)
return true;
const transformMatch = t.match(/matrix\(([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*)\)/)
if (transformMatch !== null) {
const vals = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
const invVals = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const ti = Number(transformMatch[i + 1])
if (ti == 0) {
vals[i] = 0
} else {
invVals[i] = 1 / ti
vals[i] = ti
const m = this.doc.Matrix(vals[0], vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5])
return true;
return false;
public undoTransform(): void {
const i = this.matricesInverted.pop()
private static parseCss(styleContent: string): Record<string, string> {
if (styleContent === undefined || styleContent === null) {
return {}
const r: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const rule of styleContent.split(";")) {
const [k, v] = rule.split(":").map(x => x.trim())
r[k] = v
return r
private drawRect(element: Element) {
const x = Number(element.getAttribute("x"))
const y = Number(element.getAttribute("y"))
const width = Number(element.getAttribute("width"))
const height = Number(element.getAttribute("height"))
const style = element.getAttribute("style")
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.parseCss(style)
this.doc.setDrawColor(css["stroke-color"] ?? "black")
this.doc.setFillColor(css["fill"] ?? "black")
this.doc.rect(x, y, width, height, "F")
private static attr(element: Element, name: string, recurseup: boolean = true): string {
const a = element.getAttribute(name)
if (a !== null && a !== undefined) {
return a
if (recurseup && element.parentElement !== undefined && element.parentElement !== element) {
return SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element.parentElement, name, recurseup)
return undefined
* Reads the 'style'-element recursively
* @param element
* @private
private static css(element: Element): Record<string, string> {
if (element.parentElement == undefined || element.parentElement == element) {
return SvgToPdfInternals.parseCss(element.getAttribute("style"))
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(element.parentElement);
const style = element.getAttribute("style")
if (style === undefined || style == null) {
return css
for (const rule of style.split(";")) {
const [k, v] = rule.split(":").map(x => x.trim())
css[k] = v
return css
private static attrNumber(element: Element, name: string, recurseup: boolean = true): number {
const a = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, name, recurseup)
const n = Number(a)
if (!isNaN(n)) {
return n
return undefined
private drawTspan(tspan: Element) {
if (tspan.textContent == "") {
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(tspan, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(tspan, "y")
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(tspan)
const w = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(tspan, "width")
let fontFamily = css["font-family"] ?? "Ubuntu";
if (fontFamily === "sans-serif") {
fontFamily = "Ubuntu"
let fontWeight = css["font-weight"] ?? "normal";
this.doc.setFont(fontFamily, fontWeight)
const fontColor = css["fill"]
if (fontColor) {
} else {
let fontsize = parseFloat(css["font-size"])
console.log("Fontsize is ", fontsize, "for", tspan.textContent, this.currentMatrixInverted)
this.doc.setFontSize(fontsize * 2.5)
this.doc.text(tspan.textContent, x, y, {
maxWidth: w,
}, this.currentMatrix)
private drawSvgViaCanvas(element: Element): void {
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "y")
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "height")
const base64src = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, "xlink:href")
const svgXml = atob(base64src.substring(base64src.indexOf(";base64,") + ";base64,".length));
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgXml, "text/xml");
const svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const svgWidth = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(svgRoot, "width")
const svgHeight = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(svgRoot, "height")
let img = this._images[base64src]
// This is an svg image, we use the canvas to convert it to a png
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvas.width = svgWidth
canvas.height = svgHeight
img.style.width = `${(svgWidth)}px`
img.style.height = `${(svgHeight)}px`
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight)
const base64img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
this.addMatrix(this.doc.Matrix(width / svgWidth, 0, 0, height / svgHeight, 0, 0))
const p = this.currentMatrixInverted.applyToPoint({x, y})
this.doc.addImage(base64img, "png", p.x * svgWidth / width, p.y * svgHeight / height, svgWidth, svgHeight)
private drawImage(element: Element): void {
const href = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, "xlink:href")
if (href.endsWith('svg') || href.startsWith("data:image/svg")) {
public handleElement(element: SVGSVGElement | Element): void {
const isTransformed = this.setTransform(element)
if (element.tagName === "tspan") {
if(element.childElementCount == 0){
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
console.log("Handling tspan child")
if (element.tagName === "image") {
if (element.tagName === "g" || element.tagName === "text" ) {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
if (element.tagName === "rect") {
if (isTransformed) {
class SvgToPdf {
private readonly doc
private images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement> = {}
constructor(mode: 'landscape' | 'portrait' = 'landscape') {
this.doc = new jsPDF(mode)
private loadImage(element: Element): Promise<void> {
const base64src = element.getAttribute("xlink:href")
let svgXml = atob(base64src.substring(base64src.indexOf(";base64,") + ";base64,".length));
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgXml, "text/xml");
const svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const svgWidthStr = svgRoot.getAttribute("width")
const svgHeightStr = svgRoot.getAttribute("height")
const svgWidth = parseFloat(svgWidthStr)
const svgHeight = parseFloat(svgHeightStr)
if (!svgWidthStr.endsWith("px")) {
svgRoot.setAttribute("width", svgWidth + "px")
if (!svgHeightStr.endsWith("px")) {
svgRoot.setAttribute("height", svgHeight + "px")
let img = document.createElement("img")
img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svgRoot.outerHTML)
this.images[base64src] = img
return new Promise((resolve) => {
img.onload = _ => {
public async prepareElement(element: SVGSVGElement | Element): Promise<void> {
if (element.tagName === "tspan") {
// this.drawTspan(element)
if (element.tagName === "image") {
await this.loadImage(element)
if (element.tagName === "g" || element.tagName === "text" || element.tagName === "tspan") {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
await this.prepareElement(child)
public async ConvertSvg(svgSource: string): Promise<void> {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgSource, "text/xml");
const svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
for (let child of Array.from(svgRoot.children)) {
await this.prepareElement(<any>child)
this.doc.advancedAPI(advancedApi => {
const internal = new SvgToPdfInternals(advancedApi, this.images);
for (let child of Array.from(svgRoot.children)) {
await this.doc.save(`Test_flyer.pdf`);
async function main() {
const svg = await Utils.download(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/assets/templates/MapComplete-flyer.svg")
await new SvgToPdf().ConvertSvg(svg)
const image = await minimap.TakeScreenshot()
// @ts-ignore
doc.addImage(image, 'PNG', 0, 0, this.mapW, this.mapH);
doc.setDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
doc.setFillColor(255, 255, 255)
doc.roundedRect(12, 10, 145, 25, 5, 5, 'FD')
doc.textWithLink(layout.title.txt, 40, 18.5, {
maxWidth: 125,
url: window.location.href
doc.text(t.generatedWith.txt, 40, 23, {
maxWidth: 125
const backgroundLayer: BaseLayer = State.state.backgroundLayer.data
const attribution = new FixedUiElement(backgroundLayer.layer().getAttribution() ?? backgroundLayer.name).ConstructElement().textContent
doc.textWithLink(t.attr.txt, 40, 26.5, {
maxWidth: 125,
url: "https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"
background: attribution
}).txt, 40, 30)
let date = new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 16)
version: Constants.vNumber,
date: date
}).txt, 40, 34, {
maxWidth: 125
// Add the logo of the layout
let img = document.createElement('img');
const imgSource = layout.icon
const imgType = imgSource.substr(imgSource.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
img.src = imgSource
if (imgType.toLowerCase() === "svg") {
new FixedUiElement("").AttachTo(this.freeDivId)
// This is an svg image, we use the canvas to convert it to a png
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = 500
canvas.height = 500
img.style.width = "100%"
img.style.height = "100%"
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 500, 500);
const base64img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
doc.addImage(base64img, 'png', 15, 12, 20, 20);
} else {
try {
doc.addImage(img, imgType, 15, 12, 20, 20);
} catch (e) {
main().then(() => console.log("Done!"))