If true, 'dryrun' mode is activated. The app will behave as normal, except that changes to OSM will be printed onto the console instead of actually uploaded to osm.org
The tab that is shown in the welcome-message. 0 = the explanation of the theme,1 = OSM-credits, 2 = sharescreen, 3 = more themes, 4 = about mapcomplete (user must be logged in and have >50 changesets)
Disables/Enables the user information pill (userbadge) at the top left. Disabling this disables logging in and thus disables editing all together, effectively putting MapComplete into read-only mode.
The default value is _true_
Disables/Enables the search bar
The default value is _true_
Disables/Enables the layer control
The default value is _true_
Disables/Enables the 'add new feature'-popup. (A theme without presets might not have it in the first place)
The default value is _true_
Disables/enables the help menu or welcome message
The default value is _true_
Disables/Enables the iframe-popup
The default value is _false_
Disables/Enables the 'More Quests'-tab in the welcome message
The default value is _true_
Disables/Enables the 'Share-screen'-tab in the welcome message