2021-09-22 05:02:09 +02:00
import T from "./TestHelper" ;
import { InPlaceReplacedmentRTSH } from "../Logic/Osm/Actions/RelationSplitHandler" ;
import { OsmObject , OsmRelation } from "../Logic/Osm/OsmObject" ;
import { Changes } from "../Logic/Osm/Changes" ;
import { equal } from "assert" ;
2021-09-22 16:07:56 +02:00
import { Utils } from "../Utils" ;
2021-09-22 05:02:09 +02:00
export default class RelationSplitHandlerSpec extends T {
private static async split ( ) : Promise < void > {
// Lets mimick a split action of https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/295132739
const relation : OsmRelation = < OsmRelation > await OsmObject . DownloadObjectAsync ( "relation/9572808" )
const originalNodeIds = [ 5273988967 ,
170497153 ,
1507524582 ,
4524321710 ,
170497155 ,
170497157 ,
170497158 ,
3208166179 ,
1507524610 ,
170497160 ,
3208166178 ,
1507524573 ,
1575932830 ,
6448669326 ]
const withSplit = [ [ 5273988967 ,
170497153 ,
1507524582 ,
4524321710 ,
170497155 ,
170497157 ,
170497158 ] ,
3208166179 ,
1507524610 ,
170497160 ,
3208166178 ,
1507524573 ,
1575932830 ,
6448669326 ] ]
const splitter = new InPlaceReplacedmentRTSH (
relation : relation ,
originalWayId : 295132739 ,
allWayIdsInOrder : [ 295132739 , - 1 ] ,
originalNodes : originalNodeIds ,
allWaysNodesInOrder : withSplit
} )
const changeDescription = await splitter . CreateChangeDescriptions ( new Changes ( ) )
const allIds = changeDescription [ 0 ] . changes [ "members" ] . map ( m = > m . ref ) . join ( "," )
const expected = "687866206,295132739,-1,690497698"
if ( allIds . indexOf ( expected ) < 0 ) {
throw "Invalid order or the split ways. If this suddenly breaks, the parent relation at https://osm.org/relation/9572808 has probably changed and the test must be updated"
constructor ( ) {
2021-09-22 16:07:56 +02:00
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/1124134958/ways" ,
{ "version" : "0.6" , "generator" : "CGImap 0.8.5 (2937646 spike-07.openstreetmap.org)" , "copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" , "attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" , "license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" , "elements" : [ { "type" : "way" , "id" : 97038428 , "timestamp" : "2019-06-19T12:26:24Z" , "version" : 6 , "changeset" : 71399984 , "user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" , "uid" : 3818858 , "nodes" : [ 1124134958 , 323729212 , 323729351 , 2542460408 , 187073405 ] , "tags" : { "highway" : "residential" , "name" : "Brugs-Kerkhofstraat" , "sett:pattern" : "arc" , "surface" : "sett" } } , { "type" : "way" , "id" : 97038434 , "timestamp" : "2019-06-19T12:26:24Z" , "version" : 5 , "changeset" : 71399984 , "user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" , "uid" : 3818858 , "nodes" : [ 1124134958 , 1124135024 , 187058607 ] , "tags" : { "bicycle" : "use_sidepath" , "highway" : "residential" , "name" : "Kerkhofblommenstraat" , "sett:pattern" : "arc" , "surface" : "sett" } } , { "type" : "way" , "id" : 97038435 , "timestamp" : "2017-12-21T21:41:08Z" , "version" : 4 , "changeset" : 54826837 , "user" : "Jakka" , "uid" : 2403313 , "nodes" : [ 1124134958 , 2576628889 , 1124135035 , 5298371485 , 5298371495 ] , "tags" : { "bicycle" : "use_sidepath" , "highway" : "residential" , "name" : "Kerkhofblommenstraat" } } , { "type" : "way" , "id" : 251446313 , "timestamp" : "2019-01-07T19:22:47Z" , "version" : 4 , "changeset" : 66106872 , "user" : "M!dgard" , "uid" : 763799 , "nodes" : [ 1124134958 , 5243143198 , 4555715455 ] , "tags" : { "foot" : "yes" , "highway" : "service" } } ] }
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/relation/9572808" ,
{ "version" : "0.6" , "generator" : "CGImap 0.8.5 (3128319 spike-07.openstreetmap.org)" , "copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" , "attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" , "license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" , "elements" : [ { "type" : "relation" , "id" : 9572808 , "timestamp" : "2021-08-12T12:44:06Z" , "version" : 11 , "changeset" : 109573204 , "user" : "A67-A67" , "uid" : 553736 , "members" : [ { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 173662702 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 467606230 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 126267167 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 301897426 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 687866206 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 295132739 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 690497698 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 627893684 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 295132741 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 301903120 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 672541156 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 126264330 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 280440853 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 838499667 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 838499663 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 690497623 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 301902946 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 280460715 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 972534369 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 695680702 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 690497860 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 295410363 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 823864063 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 663172088 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 659950322 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 659950323 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 230180094 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 690497912 , "role" : "" } , { "type" : "way" , "ref" : 39588765 , "role" : "" } ] , "tags" : { "distance" : "13 km" , "name" : "Abdijenroute" , "network" : "lcn" , "old_name" : "Spoorlijn 58" , "operator" : "Toerisme West-Vlaanderen" , "railway" : "abandoned" , "route" : "bicycle" , "type" : "route" , "wikipedia" : "nl:Spoorlijn 58" } } ] }
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/687866206/full" ,
{ "version" : "0.6" , "generator" : "CGImap 0.8.5 (2601512 spike-07.openstreetmap.org)" , "copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" , "attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" , "license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" , "elements" : [ { "type" : "node" , "id" : 5273988959 , "lat" : 51.1811406 , "lon" : 3.2427712 , "timestamp" : "2021-07-29T21:14:53Z" , "version" : 6 , "changeset" : 108847202 , "user" : "kaart_fietser" , "uid" : 11022240 , "tags" : { "network:type" : "node_network" , "rwn_ref" : "32" } } , { "type" : "node" , "id" : 6448669326 , "lat" : 51.1811346 , "lon" : 3.242891 , "timestamp" : "2019-05-04T22:44:12Z" , "version" : 1 , "changeset" : 69891295 , "user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" , "uid" : 3818858 , "tags" : { "barrier" : "bollard" } } , { "type" : "way" , "id" : 687866206 , "timestamp" : "2019-05-06T20:52:20Z" , "version" : 2 , "changeset" : 69951497 , "user" : "noelbov" , "uid" : 8054928 , "nodes" : [ 6448669326 , 5273988959 ] , "tags" : { "highway" : "cycleway" , "name" : "Abdijenroute" , "railway" : "abandoned" , "surface" : "asphalt" } } ] }
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/690497698/full" ,
{ "version" : "0.6" , "generator" : "CGImap 0.8.5 (3023311 spike-07.openstreetmap.org)" , "copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" , "attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" , "license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" , "elements" : [ { "type" : "node" , "id" : 170497152 , "lat" : 51.1832353 , "lon" : 3.2498759 , "timestamp" : "2018-04-24T00:29:37Z" , "version" : 7 , "changeset" : 58357376 , "user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" , "uid" : 3818858 } , { "type" : "node" , "id" : 2988218625 , "lat" : 51.1835053 , "lon" : 3.2503067 , "timestamp" : "2018-09-24T21:48:46Z" , "version" : 2 , "changeset" : 62895918 , "user" : "A67-A67" , "uid" : 553736 } , { "type" : "node" , "id" : 5273988967 , "lat" : 51.182659 , "lon" : 3.249004 , "timestamp" : "2017-12-09T18:40:21Z" , "version" : 1 , "changeset" : 54493533 , "user" : "CacherB" , "uid" : 1999108 } , { "type" : "way" , "id" : 690497698 , "timestamp" : "2021-07-29T21:14:53Z" , "version" : 3 , "changeset" : 108847202 , "user" : "kaart_fietser" , "uid" : 11022240 , "nodes" : [ 2988218625 , 170497152 , 5273988967 ] , "tags" : { "highway" : "cycleway" , "lit" : "no" , "name" : "Abdijenroute" , "oneway" : "no" , "railway" : "abandoned" , "surface" : "compacted" } } ] }
2021-09-22 05:02:09 +02:00
super ( "relationsplithandler" , [
[ "split 295132739" ,
( ) = > RelationSplitHandlerSpec . split ( ) . then ( _ = > console . log ( "OK" ) ) ]
] ) ;